Monthly Reconciliation Form Speedtype Approvers
Quick Reference Sheet Click on OnBase link provided in notification email. Log into Onbase (Ulink credentials) Scroll down to month to be reviewed/approved Open Financial Statement and review. Approvals If you want to approve, use the dropdown to choose the “approved” option. Scroll to bottom of form and click saved Choose the Submit button at the top of the page. Not Approved If you reject the financial statement, use the dropdown to choose the “Not Approved” option. Enter the reason(s) for not approving. Choose the “Return for Corrections” button at the top of the page.
Speedtype Approvers You will receive an email… Click on the hyperlink
Log into OnBase Log in with your Ulink User Name and Password
OnBase Start-Up Screen Once you log in, this is what you will see. The next slides will break the sections down for easier understanding.
OnBase Start-Up Screen-Section 1 Section 1 provides the details in regards to this speedtype.
OnBase Start-Up Screen-Section 2 Lists Every month for the current fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) As each month is reconciled, it will open as seen here for July. NOTE: Statements need to be reviewed and Approved/Not approved within 10 days of receipt. If not, the department chair will be notified. After an additional 5 days, a list of all statements not approved is forwarded to the Dean’s office.
OnBase Start-Up Screen-Section 2 Click on the Statement to review. The statement will open in Excel. -The first tab is the BA Financial Statement. -The second tab is the Peoplesoft Report used to reconcile the speedtype. You are reviewing all transactions to ensure they are allowable, reasonable, allocable, accurate, and approved for the program or project charged.
Approved or Not Approved Use the drop down to choose “Approved” or “Not Approved” If you do not approve the statement as presented, use the drop down menu to choose “Not Approved” List the reasons for non-approval in the Not Approved Reason box. This will send notification back to Business Operations to process the requested changes. Once the changes are in process, the form will be re-routed to you for final approval.
Final Steps Finally, scroll back to the top of the screen and hit the “Submit” or “Return for Corrections” button. This final step sends the form to the next appropriate queue. Scroll to the bottom of the form and click the “SAVE” button.
Questions? Please send any questions to