12th World Scout Moot 第十二次世界羅浮童軍大會 Expedition Center I


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Presentation transcript:

12th World Scout Moot 第十二次世界羅浮童軍大會 Expedition Center I (Taipei, Keelung, I-lan) 第十二次世界羅浮童軍大會 第一分區作業中心活動規劃書 (台北縣市,基隆,宜蘭)

Locations / 位置圖 Keelung /基隆 Taipei County /台北縣 Taipei /台北 I-lan county /宜蘭 The capital city, Taipei, contains many historical remains from the past, and also boasts a modern metropolitan lifestyle. Taipei is a city built truly of Eastern ideology with great multitude Western influence from its past. It is linked closely with global trends, explosive, creative ideas originate here in this dynamic city. Wandering among the collection of 5,000 years of Chinese history in the renowned National Palace Museum is only one feature that is sure to inspire all participants.

Program Modules / 活動模組 Natural Discovery N1 – Yangmingshan National Park N2 – Kau-Do natural park N3 – Hah-Pen trail N4 – Chiao-Shi hot spring

Program Modules / 活動模組 Culture 1EC1 Keelung – The 1EC2 TamSui – The Port of the Past 1EC3 2nd and 4th Nuclear Power Plant 1EC4 Juming & Jujun’s sculpture 1EC5 The MRT 1EC6 The Beauty of Taipei Architecture

Program Modules / 活動模組 Community Service S1 – S2 – S3 – S4 –

Program Modules / 活動模組 Special Topic Welcome Free Time Activities

Accommodations / 住宿地點 A1 A2 Tamkang University Dormitory A3 A4 A5 A6

Accommodations / 住宿地點 1EA2-Tamkang University (dormitory) Keelung 1EA2-Tamkang University (dormitory) I-lan Taipei County 1EA1-Chinese Culture University (dormitory) 1EA7-Wulaokan Scenic Area (camping) 1EA3-Wei Shan Farm (camping) 1EA5-Gin-Shen Youth Center (dormitory) 1EA4-Chinhsien school (camping) 1EA6-Tung-Shan River riverside park (camping) Taipei The Captal

Expedition Route / 旅行路線 1EA2 1EA1 1EA3 Linko 1EA4 Dong Hwa

Expedition Route / 旅行路線 Day Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Accommodation 1 N1 C2 O A2 2 3 4