Metal Casting: Design, Materials, and Economics Chapter 12 Metal Casting: Design, Materials, and Economics Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Introduction Successful casting practice requires the proper control of a large number of variables: characteristics of the metals (or alloys) casts, method of casting, mold/die materials, mold/die design, and various process parameters. The flow of the molten metal in the mold cavities, the gating systems, the rate of cooling, and the gases evolved all influence the quality of a casting. This chapter describes general design considerations and guidelines for metal casting and presents suggestions for avoiding defects. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting Design the part so that the shape is cast easily. Select a casting process and material suitable for the part, size, mechanical properties, etc. Locate the parting line of the mold in the part. Locate and design the gates to allow uniform feeding of the mold cavity with molten metal. Select an appropriate runner geometry for the system. Locate mold features such as sprue, screens and risers, as appropriate. Make sure proper controls and good practices are in place. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Corners, angles and section thickness: avoid using sharp corners and angles (act as stress raisers) and may cause cracking and tearing during solidification. Use fillets with radii ranging from 3 to 25 mm Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Figure 12.1 Suggested design modifications to avoid defects in castings. Note that sharp corners are avoided to reduce stress concentrations. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Sections changes in castings should be blended smoothly into each other. Location of the largest circle that can be inscribed in a particular region is critical so far as shrinkage cavities are concerned (a & b). Because the cooling rate in regions with large circles is lower, they are called hot spots. These regions can develop shrinkage cavities and porosity (c & d). Cavities at hot spots can be eliminated by using small cores (e). It is important to maintain (as much as possible) uniform cross sections and wall thicknesses throughout the casting to avoid or minimize shrinkage cavities. Metal chills in the mold can eliminate or minimize hot spots. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Figure 12.2 Examples of designs showing the importance of maintaining uniform cross-sections in castings to avoid hot spots and shrinkage cavities. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Elimination of Hot Spots Figure 12.2 Examples of designs showing the importance of maintaining uniform cross-sections in castings to avoid hot spots and shrinkage cavities. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Figure 12.3 Examples of design modifications to avoid shrinkage cavities in castings. Figure 12.4 The use of metal padding (chills) to increase the rate of cooling in thick regions in a casting to avoid shrinkage cavities Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Flat areas: large flat areas (plain surfaces) should be avoided, since they may warp during cooling because of temperature gradients, or they develop poor surface finish because of uneven flow of metal during pouring. To resolve this one can break up flat surfaces with staggered ribs. Shrinkage: pattern dimensions also should allow for shrinkage of the metal during solidification and cooling. Allowances for shrinkage, known as patternmaker’s shrinkage allowances, usually range from about 10 to 20 mm/m. Table 12.1 gives the normal shrinkage allowance for metals that are commonly sand cast. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Figure: Adding ribs to flat region decreases warping and increases stiffness against bending moments Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Shrinkage Allowance for Casting in Sand Molds Typical patternmaker's shrinkage of various metals[23] Metal Percentage in/ft Aluminium 1.0–1.3 1⁄8–5⁄32 Brass 1.5 3⁄16 Magnesium Cast iron 0.8–1.0 1⁄10–1⁄8 Steel 1.5–2.0 3⁄16–1⁄4 Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Draft: a small draft (taper) typically is provided in sand mold pattern to enable removal of the pattern without damaging the mold. Drafts generally range from 5 to 15 mm/m. Depending on the quality of the pattern, draft angles usually range from 0.5o to 2o. Dimensional tolerances: tolerances should be as wide as possible, within the limits of good part performance; otherwise, the cost of the casting increases. In commercial practices, tolerances are usually in the range of ± 0.8 mm for small castings. For large castings, tolerances may be as much as ± 6 mm. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Design of cast parts Lettering and markings: it is common practice to include some form of part identification (such lettering or corporate logos) in castings. These features can be sunk into the casting or protrude from the surface. Machining and finishing operations: should be taken into account. For example, a hole to be drilled should be on a flat surface not a curved one. Better yet, should incorporate a small dimple as a starting point. Features to be used for clamping when machining. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Selecting the casting process Casting process selection can not be separated from discussions of economics. However, Tables 11.1 and 11.2 provide a list of some of the advantages and limitations of casting processes that have and an impact on casting design. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Locating the parting line A part should be oriented in a mold so that the large portion of the casting is relatively low and the height of the casting is minimized. The parting line is line or plane separating the upper (cope) and lower (drag) halves of mold. In general, the parting line should be along a flat plane rather than be contoured. The parting line should be placed as low as possible relative to the casting for less dense metal (such as aluminum alloys) and located at around mid-height for denser metals (such as steels). Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Locating the parting line Figure 12.5 Redesign of a casting by making the parting line straight to avoid defects. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Locating and designing gates The gates are connections between the runners and the part cavity. Some of the considerations in designing gating systems are: Multiple gates often are preferable and are necessary for large parts. Gates should feed into thick sections of castings. A fillet should be used where a gate meets a casting; this feature produces less turbulence than abrupt junctions. The gate closest to the sprue should be placed sufficiently far away so that the gate can be easily removed. This distance may be as small as a few mm for small casting and up to 500 mm for large parts. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Locating and designing gates The minimum gate length should be three to five times the gate diameter, depending on the metal being cast. The cross-section should be large enough to allow the filling of the mold cavity and should be smaller than the runner cross-section. Curved gates should be avoided, but when necessary, a straight section in the gate should be located immediately adjacent to the casting. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Runner design The runner is a horizontal distribution channel that accepts the molten metal from the sprue and delivers it to the gates. One runner is used for simple parts, but-two runner systems can be specified for more complicated castings. The runners are used to trap dross (dross is a mixture of oxide and metal and forms on the surface of the metal) and keep it from entering the gates and the mold cavity. Commonly, dross traps are placed at the ends of the runners, and the runner projects above the gates to ensure that the metal in the gates is trapped below the surface. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design Considerations in Casting - Designing other mold features The main goal in designing a sprue is to achieve the required metal flow rates while preventing excessive dross formation. Flow rates are determined such that turbulence is avoided, but the mold is filled quickly compared to the solidification time required. A pouring basin can be used to ensure that the metal flow into the sprue is uninterrupted; also, if the molten metal is maintained in the pouring basin during pouring, then the dross will float and will not enter the mold cavity. Filters are used to trap large contaminants and to slow metal velocity and make the flow more laminar. Chills can be used to speed solidification of the metal in a particular region of a casting. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Examples of Good and Poor Designs Figure 12.3 Examples of undesirable (poor) and desirable (good) casting designs. Source: Courtesy of American Die Casting Institute. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Mechanical Properties for Cast Alloys Figure 12.4 Mechanical properties for various groups of cast alloys. Note that even within the same group, the properties vary over a wide range, particularly for cast steels. Source: Courtesy of Steel Founders’ Society of America. Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Casting Applications and Characteristics Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Properties and Applications of Cast Irons Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Mechanical Properties of Gray Cast Irons Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Properties and Applications of Nonferrous Cast Alloys Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Cost Characteristics of Casting Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Automated Shell Production Figure 12.5 A robot generates a ceramic shell on wax patterns (trees) for investment casting. The robot is programmed to dip the trees and then place them in an automated drying system. With many layers, a thick ceramic shell suitable for investment casting is formed. Source: Courtesy of Wisconsin Precision Casting Corporation Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid. ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.