15 June 2009 EMCDDA activities ~ Supply Reduction


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Presentation transcript:

15 June 2009 EMCDDA activities ~ Supply Reduction Laurent Laniel Interventions, Law and Policies (‘RES’) Unit, CUP-DSSR

EMCDDA so far (1), routinely… Monitors drug supply and markets (NFPs): Seizures by drug (cases, quantities); Retail price by drug (mean, mode, min-max); Purity/potency by drug (mean, mode, min-max); Composition of tablets Monitors drug-related crime (NFPs): EMCDDA conceptual framework (Psycho-pharma crimes; Economic-compulsive crimes; Systemic crimes; Drug law offences); Data on drug law offences (DLOs) reported by the police (by drug; offence type; criminal and non-criminal) Routine data collected via NFPs annually CRIME: Clear definition – Essential first step to develop methods to assess the true extent of the problem, but also the impact of policies and actions Psycho-pharmacological crimes: crimes committed under the influence (Goldstein, 1985) Economic compulsive crimes: crimes committed in order to support a drug habit (Goldstein, 1985) Systemic crimes: crimes commited within the illicit drug market (Goldstein, 1985) Drug law offences: crimes against drug legislations Also collect data, essentially from ad-hoc surveys on drug use in prison populations

EMCDDA Routine monitoring so far: => Mainly on ‘situation’ vs. ‘responses’ => Surveillance vs. analytical approach => No explicit monitoring of Supply reduction activities in Europe (but seizures & DLOs) Important to note here that we have up to date very much focused our activities on understanding and monitoring the situation vs. looking at EU and MS responses, in other words have not much investigated the area of supply reduction (even if SZRs, DLOs) Surveillance approach – levels and trends Vs. more analytical one about factors, interactions, etc. But this will change in the future Not much dedicated outputs up to date, rather integration of analyses into our Annual Report

More monitoring, more analysis Work Plan 2010-2012 (1) How (SSR)? “Greater emphasis given to the area of supply and crime reduction” (p.4) New specialised staff (+ intern) New coordination mechanism ― CUP-DSSR (Cross-Unit Project on Drug Supply and Supply Reduction): Conceptual framework due end 2009 Expanded Europol partnership (joint WP reviewed in 2009): projects & publications Establishment of expert reference group: law enforcement and other experts (esp. scholars) CUP: Supply and supply reduction are closely related subjects but there are differences between the two: Supply: monitoring the situation of production and trafficking and describing/analysing drug markets Supply reduction: monitoring official (and perhaps other) responses or interventions Our present monitoring relies heavily on data supplied by supply-reduction agencies, esp. Law enforcement, an essential supply reducer in Europe. Data collected by LE is NOT for monitoring puprposes (or only internal ones), so knowing more on LE will, among other things, help us better understand and analyse our own data on seizures and arrests, possibly on prices. Hopefully, we may becaome able to use our existing data in a different way than we have done until now. Europol projects: Trends and flows in Euro markets for synth drugs (monitoring of labs) and cannabis (monitoring of cultivation sites), including possibilities of displacements and replacements of different drugs (e.g. amph for meth, herb for hash) Wholesale prices (also with MS)

More monitoring, more analysis Work Plan 2010-2012 (2) What (SR)? 1/ Mapping supply reduction in Europe: what it covers, who does it (law enforcement) What interventions implemented in Europe (e.g. LE strategies used, training provided, technology, etc.) What agencies implement them (who does what at national & European levels, esp. LE) 2/ Identifying appropriate & feasible secondary data sources LE is likely to remain a major source of data on supply and SR, but need for different perspectives to complement the picture (scientif lit., press?, NGOs?) This presentation puts the stress on our projects in SUPPLY REDUCTION, because not time to talk of everything and because it is mentioned in the EU AP (points 67 & 68) DESCRIBING SR in Europe: most likely that LE is the most important player, perhaps the only player UNDERSTANDING SR in Europe: monitoring SR requires more than LE data. Mapping SR: a prerequisite: Literature review Focal points, esp through the selected issue on cannabis markets and external contract, in which information is requested on the organisation of cannabis enforcement at national level; explore further possibilities Ad hoc questionnaire to MS and/or exploratory study in a (small) number of selected MS, maybe with Europol help Monitoring of published national drug strategies and/or supply reduction strategies. Use secondary Monitoring the scientific literature, esp. Useful to study local-level initiatives and supply Establishment of a typology of agencies and interventions
