Synthesis Research Essay Due Dates Sources – Monday, April 23rd Final Essay – Monday, April 30th Registration Codes 1st Period - 16043271 5th Period - 16044122
Source Requirements Source type Blank source forms 1 visual (political cartoon OR graph / chart) 2 print (excerpts from articles, books, or speeches – must be nonfiction!) Blank source forms MLA citation box (use 1 italicized statement that offers a clue about the author’s ethos Possible background information to provide context ½ to 1 page of content from the argument (may need to be condensed) Add parentheses description for Sources D, E, and F to prompt page (author’s last name or type – chart / political cartoon) Due: Monday, April 23rd
Synthesis Research Essay Prompt #1 Currently in the United States, 31 states participate in capital punishment proceedings, Texas being the number one death penalty state by far with 549 executions since 1982. Some states, however, have already banned the use of capital punishment or plan on voting on this issue in 2018. In an essay that synthesizes at least five of the sources, identify the key issues that must be considered when a state votes on whether or not to abolish the death penalty. Make sure that your argument is central, using the sources to support your reasoning. The essay should consist primarily of your ideas, rather than simply a summary of the sources. Identify any sources drawn from through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses. Source A (Powers) Source B (Von Drehle) Source C (Jacoby) Source D (______________) Source E (______________) Source F (______________)
Synthesis Research Essay Prompt #2 Gun control. In the wake of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day this past February, few topics have gotten more press coverage recently than this one. Background checks, bump stocks, assault weapons bans, the 2nd amendment. There are so many facets to this debate, and while many Americans are incredibly passionate about this issue, most are just talking past each other instead of actually having an intelligent conversation about this very real concern. In an essay that synthesizes at least five of the sources, discuss the extent to which, if any, the United States government should limit gun use in America. Make sure that your argument is central, using the sources to support your reasoning. The essay should consist primarily of your ideas, rather than simply a summary of the sources. Identify any sources drawn from through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses. Source A (Goldberg) Source B (Kristof) Source C (8 facts) Source D (______________) Source E (______________) Source F (______________)
Synthesis Research Essay Steps Choose between two synthesis prompts. Create informal outline of argument. Research potential sources to support your argument (as well as acknowledge concessions). Finalize three sources (one visual and two print). Create Source Forms D, E, and F using blank source form template. Make sure to use correct MLA citations ( Include a short, italicized sentence to establish the author’s ethos and potential background context. You might need to condense the article to fit the one page limit. The final formatted sources are due Monday, April 23rd. Update your outline as needed to showcase source support for each paragraph. Start drafting the essay. Make sure your argument is central. Use the sources as support. Remember, you can use “outside” information for support as well. These do not count toward your source total. “Outside” knowledge should directly connect to your argument and the sources. Finish essay draft, and make sure that you’ve properly documented your sources (attributed to source letter and author’s last name). Final essay is due Monday, April 30th. You must turn in a hard copy in class, and the submission is due that morning at 7:15 a.m.