The Interpretation for Body Language 99
OK This hand gesture means “OK”, that’s to say agree, admit, sure, no problem and so on. At first, I think the “OK” gestures is common meaning of the world. But, sometimes the meaning of this gesture is different in some countries, such as Japan. The gesture means “money” in Japan.
GOOD The hand gesture means “GOOD”, that’s to say well, great. It also means admired. Thumb means the best compared with other fingers. So, thumb up means good.
NICE TO MEET YOU This gesture means “NICE TO MEET YOU” or “HELLO”. When we meet someone whom we are familiar, we will give a hug to express goodwill. Doing the “HUG” gesture, we have to open our hands and close to each other’s body, that’s means we open our mind to other people.
BOW The gesture means “BOW”. This is a very polite action. When we feel sorry or grateful, we will do this action to express our emotion. But sometimes it also express a kind of respect. In Japan, people will bow to do ninety degrees in order to express their respect.
SMILE The facial expression means “SMILE”, that’s to say some emotions such as happy, joyful, pleasure, satisfied and so on. Turning up the corners of the mouth. Sometimes we will felt joyful because of seeing other people smile.
CRY The facial expression means “CRY”, that’s to say some emotions such as sad, uncomfortable, unhappy and so on. Sometimes we also crying when we are very angry. Crying also can affect other people’s emotion.