The Roman Society
The Roman Family The male head of the household had absolute authority under the law
Roman Women The ideal woman was loving, dutiful, dignified and strong Gained more rights in Rome over the centuries
Education Both boys and girls of all classes learned to read and write (literacy) Roman Grammar teacher
Religion Assimilation of Etruscan and Greek deities Many feasts and celebrations to honor the Roman gods
Monsters Roman Gods Vulcan - The Smith God Bacchus - God of Wine Roman Gods Vulcan - The Smith God Bacchus - God of Wine Saturn- God of Time Vesta- Goddess of the Home Janus- God of Doors Uranus- Father of Saturn Maia- Goddess of Growth Flora- Goddess of Flowers Plutus- God of Wealth Monsters Cerberus- Watchdog of the Underworld Gorgon- Snake-haired, turns you to stone Jupiter - King of the Gods Juno - Queen of the Gods Neptune - God of the Sea Pluto - God of Death Apollo - God of the Sun Diana - Goddess of the Moon Mars - God of War Venus - Goddess of Love Cupid - God of Love Mercury - Messenger of the Gods Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom Ceres - The Earth Goddess Proserpine - Goddess of the Underworld
Legions 5,000 men
Citizen Soldiers Men supplied their own weapons and received no pay
Reward & Punishment Courageous soldiers would receive praise and gifts 1 out of 10 soldiers were executed if the unit retreated
Expansion By 270 BC Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula
Conquered People Conquered people had to: Acknowledge Roman leadership Supply soldiers Conquered people were allowed to keep: Customs Money Local government
Roads Rome built a network of all-weather military roads Increased cultural diffusion Helped the ??? “all roads lead to Rome”
Section 2: From REPUBLIC to EMPIRE (or crash course video) _ _ _ _ _ _? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
"Empire: a major political unit with a large territory or a number of territories or peoples under one ruler with total authority, especially one having an emperor as chief of state. Republic: a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who is usually a president; a government in which supreme power belongs to the citizens through their right to vote."