Great Depression: This PowerPoint focuses especially on the causes of the Great Depression and then on FDR and the New Deal. Look in the packet for more information about Hoover and how he handled the Great Depression.
Buying on Margin – A Cause of the Crash (related to “over-speculation)
Three Different Ideologies (Approaches) About How To Deal With The Great Depression
Read Chapter 31, Sections 3 & 4 and complete the following “T-chart”. Follow the rest of the instructions (shown below).
1. What was the philosophy motivating the New Deal, FDR and the Background of the New Deal (a philosophy that favored more direct government action) 1. What was the philosophy motivating the New Deal, especially regarding the role of the federal government? - FDR’s New Deal was based upon the philosophy that the government had the “responsibility to ensure to the utmost the economic and social well-being of the people”. - *** wanted to expand the responsibility of the government to include meeting the needs of the people - included government becoming more “hands- on” with the economy (socialism?), moving more away from capitalism (definitely not laissez faire) - this was a major shift in philosophy regarding the role of government; still exists today
- March 9 – June 16, 1933 (the first hundred days of FDR’s first C. “The Hundred Days” 1. When was it? What happened and why is it important (even today)? - March 9 – June 16, 1933 (the first hundred days of FDR’s first administration) - a remarkable period of cooperation between Congress and the President - passed more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation that set the foundation for later laws, and also expanded the government’s role in the economy - passing this number of laws in such a short period of time was unprecedented (it had never happened before) - every new president is judged by how well their accomplishments in their first 100 days compare to FDR’s - just listen to the news and hear them talking about “What will President Trump accomplish in his first hundred days?”
The New Deal focused on the three “Rs” New Deal Programs Relief Temporary/Short-term. Checks($) and job programs to lower unemployment. Recovery Longer-term. Programs to stimulate agriculture, industry, and the economy in order to end the depression. Reform Permanent. Programs to correct problems in the economy and to prevent future depressions