AP Chapter 31 Notes 1920s saw US become isolationist, shut off immigration, seal off domestic economy Standard of living rose, new technology, products, leisure and entertainment Reds Hysterical fears of Russia spread during this first Red Scare Various strikes and labor unrest-unions under attack! Some Americans thought the unrest was the work of the Bolsheviks Strike in Seattle in 1919-general strike yet the mayor called for federal troops to assist Federal government moved to attack left wingers Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer went after many w/ great zeal-6,000 total-bomb of Palmer’s house made worse
December of 1919 aliens shipped to Russia/bomb on Wall Street in Sept December of 1919 aliens shipped to Russia/bomb on Wall Street in Sept. 1920-38 killed State Legislatures passed laws which advocated jail for mentioning change w/ violence-Free Speech? 5 Socialist NY Legislators not allowed to take seats Great news for conservative owners-Labor power broken-”Closed Shop”-Sovietism in disguise-American Plan-Open Shops Sacco and Vanzetti aroused everyone from the funk!! KKK Who were they for? Why did they grow in power? Why did they falter?
Foreign Flood More immigrants entering-800,000 from 1920-21-S & E Europe 100% Americans upset---Emergency Quota Act of 1921-3% of people of their nationality who had been in the US in 1910 Replaced by the Immigration Act of 1924-cut the 3% to 2% and the origin base shifted from 1910 to 1890-Advantage? Completely shut out the Japanese-mass “hate America” rallies-Canada and L. America exempt By 1931 more foreigners left than arrived Left with a patchwork of ethnic communities Labor union efforts hurt by immigrant differences-played upon by employers
Prohibition Legal abolition popular in the South and West-opposition in the East Prohibition was naïve Peculiar conditions arose-repealed if enough broke the law May have worked better if enforcement had started more strictly Speakeasies replaced taverns/Home Brew Success-bank savings increased and absenteeism dropped Gangsterism Prohibition led to crime-gangs grew who tried to control flow of alcohol-Chicago-Al Capone-1929 St Valentine’s Day Massacre-11 year sentence for income tax evasion Prostitution, gambling and narcotics-organized crime take by 1930-$12-18 billion annually Lindbergh Baby
Scope’s Trial 1920s-more states made kids stay in school until 16-18-more than 1/4 graduated in 1920s Science and medicine improved Many states outlawed teaching of evolution Tennessee-Scopes Trial?
Mass Consumption Much of the 1920s saw prosperity-Sec of Treasury Andrew Mellon favored tax policies that favored the rich and capital investment 30 million cars in the US by 1930-major movement to buy on credit Revolutionary work of Henry Ford? Automobile industry and the spin off industry employed about 6 million by 1930 Social Impact? Wright Bros-Dec. 1903-trans airmail route by 1920 Charles Lindbergh-1927-Impact?
Radio Marconi-1890s-Impact? Hollywood Major growth during the 1920s(1915-Birth of a Nation) Propaganda in WWI Contributions? Dynamic Decade By 1920-most lived in urban areas Women found opportunities, growth of the sex industry-advertisement, birth control, Flappers, and Freud Birth of Jazz and racial pride-Marcus Garvey Harlem Renaissance!! Langston Hughes
Cultural Liberation New writers after the war-breaking down of old moral codes-F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner Frank Lloyd Wright Bull Market Speculation run rampant!! Buying on Margin!!! Little regulation by the Federal Government Andrew Mellon pushed to lower taxes-Why? Trickle Down?