Mrs. Ayana Fuentes 6th Grade Nonfiction Reading Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Ayana Fuentes 6th Grade Nonfiction Reading
Contact Information Mrs. Fuentes 702-799-0777
Student Expectations Respect, Responsible, and Reliability Homework will be given weekly PBIS – progressive discipline Turn work in on time
Parent Expectations Remind account Communication is key for success Code for Google website is jlj1dd7 for 2nd, 4th, and 6th periods Code for Google website is 5ybjmx for 1st and 3rd periods Remind account
Teacher Expectations High expectations and transparent communication Small group/differentiated instruction Students must come to class prepared and ready to learn.
Discipline Procedures PBIS – progressive discipline Intervention 1 – one on one Intervention 2 – parent Intervention 3 – parent/detention/reflection Intervention 4 – Counselor Intervention 5 - Dean Incentive – House points towards student store and House parties
Supplies Binder with an ELA section Pencil Notebook Paper
Special Events/Highlights Welcome Back to School Luau on the 22nd of September Spaghetti Dinner on the 29th of September Week of Respect in October
Let’s work together to have a great school year!