Ancient Greece- Religious Beliefs The Gods of Olympus
The Ancient Greeks beliefs The Ancient Greeks beliefs Existence of many divine things Gods believed to be like humans How the world began? : Gaea ( Mother Earth) & Uranus ( Sky): 14 Titans
The Olympian Gods
The God’s & Goddess strength Greek Gods Zeus The supreme god, God of weather, law and fate Hera Goddess of marriage, and married women Poseidon God of the sea Demeter Goddess of corn, fruit and agriculture in general Apollo God of the sun, music and poetry Artemis Goddess of the moon, hunting and chastity Athena Goddess of wisdom & defense Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty Hermes God of eloquence and speech Ares God of war Hephaestus God of fire and the chief workman of the gods Dionysus God of wine and merrymaking
The Olympian God’s home At the center of Greek mythology is the group of Gods and Goddess who were said to live on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. From Olympus, these Gods ruled every aspect of human life. Olympian gods and goddesses looked like men and women, although they could change form to animals. . photo of a statue of Poseidon from:
ZEUS Ruler of the Gods Married to his sister Hera Frequently unfaithfully Symbols of Zeus The symbols of Zeus were the scepter, the throne and the thunderbolt, which was as a gift from the Cyclopes because he liberated them. Zeus' tree was the oak tree and his sacred animal was the eagle. The Roman name of Zeus is "Jupiter"
Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom Daughter of Zeus Came out of Zeus head Goddess of wisdom Patron of Athena Her temple: Parthenon
The Myth of Athena’s birth The Myth of Athena’s birth *A Myth is a Traditional story, in some cultures, a legend that explains People’s beliefs. According to the legend, Athena was born in the ancient city of Alipheira in southern Greece. When Zeus married his first wife, the Oceanid Metis, Metis soon became pregnant. According to a prophecy at that time, Metis would bear a son who would pose a severe threat to Zeus. So, right after Metis revealed her pregnancy, Zeus swallowed his child fearfully in order to protect his kingdom. The Birth of Athena Nine months passed by and then suddenly Zeus started feeling a strong pain in his head and asked the Gods' smith Hephaestus to comfort him. Hephaestus obeyed and opened Zeus' head with an ax without hurting him. All of a sudden, goddess Athena sprang out of Zeus' head. She was already an adult, wearing armor with a shield in her hands and uttering warlike cries! From the first moment goddess Athena came into the world, she won the heart of Zeus and became his favorite child. However, she never received a mother's care. That's why she inevitably possessed more masculine than feminine attributes.
Temples, worship & festivals Gods needs somewhere to live on Earth Dark Ages: Cellas Classical Period: The Parthenon The altar Festivals: Many- Purpose: to please Gods Not only religious ceremony, also sports, theater- The Great Panathenaea Worship: Private Oracles : places where special priest or priestess could speak on behave of a God- Most Famous Oracle: Delphi
Death and the Underworld After death: Underworld Underworld: “Hade” ruled by “God Pluto” Many caves considered “entrance to underworld” Funerals: to ensure that souls would go to the underworld
Individual Work –Task 4B 1. You will : get together in your groups and assign a God to each member- A. Each student will prepare a summary –One Paragraph – that describe the God’s assigned to you in your group- Include a picture- and answer the following question: - Which God of the Olympian Gods you admire the most and why? B. Investigate and Choose a “myth” of Ancient Greece related to your God- & tell the story in your own words, either in a comic book, in an oral presentation, or in a movie- C. Your Presentation has to be no more than 8-10 minutes- D: For comics you could try : E. Submit in a word document your paragraph -description of your God ( weebly) F. Submit a copy of your presentation –movie- or comic book- G. Present to your work in class
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