Organizing for Spanish Class Sra. Oke-Bello Primavera 2018
What do I need? A notebook – composition book, spiral, or binder A 2-pocket folder with prongs. Dividers with tabs
Tu Cuaderno de Español Your Spanish Notebook Your notebook should only be for Spanish. You can use a binder with sections Always date and title what you write.
Setting up the notebook Write your name, course, period, and teacher on the outside cover of your notebook. Nombre – Paco Estudiante Curso – Español 1 Período 1 Profesora – Sra. Oke-Bello
Notebook Sections The sections of your notebook are: 1. Tabla de Contenidos (Table of Contents) 2. Recursos para Clase (Class Resources) 3. Vocabulario 4. Cultura (Culture) 5. Gramática y Estructuras (Grammar and Structures) 6. Evaluaciones Informales (Informal Assessments)
Setting up the notebook (continued) Dividing the notebook Tabla de Contenidos (Table of Contents ) First four pages, front and back
What is in each section? Tabla de Contenidos The Table of Contents needs to have three columns. Fecha (Date) Write using Spanish format (day – month – year) 28-07-13 (July 28, 2013) Tema (Topic or theme) Página (page)
Fecha Tema Página 15-01-14 Greetings 1 Margin line Margin line shows through from back of page
Setting up the notebook (continued) Numbering the pages Open our notebook. Number ALL of the pages after the Table of Contents, front and back, starting from page 1. Write the numbers in the same place ( for example, lower outside corners.
Setting up the notebook (continued) Dividing the notebook Recursos para la clase ( Class Resources) Here you will put: Syllabus Current Events Yo puedo/ I can goals ¿Como ando? – self assessment Alas – independent assignments/ choice boards Any other course reference materials
What is in each section? Vocabulario Vocabulary lists from the textbook Additional Vocabulary I give you Personal notes to help you with the vocabulary Personal Vocabulary word bank Write Spanish on one side of the page and English on the other or attach lists I give you. Keep units separate and labeled.
What is in each section? Cultura - Culture Maps Cultural notes Webquests Songs Art Reflections on culture
What is in each section? Gramática y Estructuras- Grammar and Structures Contar Cuentos/Storytelling Movietalk Grammar and language structures notes Grammar foldables New language structures
Why do I have a folder? La Carpeta (Folder) The folder is a place to keep Loose leaf paper Quizzes and tests Project materials Items to be fixed into notebook at a later date
When you open your folder it could look like this: Loose leaf paper Items to hand in Items to be fixed into notebook Quizzes and Tests Project materials Items to take home
Making use of the notebook Use suggested resources. Review your notes and vocabulary daily. Review homework and class work by self-quizzing. Use vocabulary lists for Vocabulary Activities. Review quizzes and tests to make corrections for retakes.
Other materials for class Students are advised to keep the following materials on hand for in-class and home assignments: Pens (dark blue or black and red) Highlighter Colored markers and colored pencils Tape, scissors, glue or glue sticks index cards Loose leaf notebook paper Personal sharpener (for colored pencils)