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What is classical conditioning? A learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus What is classical conditioning? Return Row 1, Col 1
What are steps of the scientific method? Question, Hypothesis, Experiment, Result, Theory What are steps of the scientific method? Return 1,2
What is another word for mean? Average What is another word for mean? Return
Learn to be helpless, give up What does learned helplessness mean? Return 1,4
What is an example of a secondary reinforcer? Money What is an example of a secondary reinforcer? Return 2,1
Number seen the most times What is mode? 2,2 Return
What is Schizophrenia? Return A group of disorders characterized by confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. What is Schizophrenia? Return
Overall perception that ones goals can be met What is hope? Overall perception that ones goals can be met Return 2,4
Using what we already know What is applied science? Return 3,1
What is a primary reinforcer? Stimulus with a rewarding outcome What is a primary reinforcer? Return 3,2
What is an example of a primary reinforcer? Food What is an example of a primary reinforcer? Return 3,3
What is operant conditioning? Learning in which a certain action is reinforced or punished; learning from your consequences What is operant conditioning? Return
Records the electrical activity throughout the brain What is an EEG scan? Return 4,1
Measuring technique used to study brain structure and activity What is an MRI? Return 4,2
What are the four lobes of the brain? Frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal What are the four lobes of the brain? Return 4,3
This lobe is used to receive visual information. Occipital Lobe This lobe is used to receive visual information. Return 4,4
Parietal lobe The lobe that receives information on pressure, pain, touch, and temperature. Return 5,1
Frontal lobe Serves the function of short term memory, high order thinking and creativity Return 5,2
Temporal lobe The lobe that involves hearing, memory, emotion, and language comprehension. Return 5,3
What is optimism? 5,4 Return The belief that bad events are temporary, are not one owns fault, and are confined to present circumstances What is optimism? Return 5,4