Does this look familiar? Keep organized with TurboNote+, the worlds leading sticky note and instant messenger program
the most stable, easy-to-use and practical product I've tried quick, easy memory aid super-fast messaging simple scheduler and alarm intuitively easy to use instant information store reliable, secure backup TurboNote+
make to do lists you cant lose set reminders you cant forget track important files and URLs customise memory cues Organize your home I set the alarm to remind me of when I need to pay bills, when important dates are coming up (like my kid's birthday or tax return time)…then I hide them so they don't clutter up my screen, and they pop-up only when I need to see them.
boost productivity speed communications improve workflow Organize your office I keep a set list of things I have to do each day, each week, each month. It keeps me organised, and the alarm system reminds me if I do forget. It also makes it easier if I'm away to tell my sub to check the green "on-going" notes. They've got links to all the admin and help files that explain what needs to be done.
quick large-scale installation discounts for multi-licenses secure Relay Server for networks Advanced User Guide and help desk Organize your company The [TurboNote+] Relay Server lets us send fast notes to the office across town even through the firewall.
Use TurboNote+ to: stay organized speed communications increase efficiency improve workflow meet deadlines Save time, money and stress A simple change for a significant effect If 4 people in your office or home use TurboNote+...and save 10 minutes a day (12 minutes is average)...youll save 243 hours, or 10 days in a year...and if your time is worth $15 a hour...then youll save $2,600 per year...and the registration pays for itself in under two weeks.
Clear popup menus and simple, straightforward shortcuts make TurboNote+ very easy to use. Uptake is quick - no training needed. Use instantly
TurboNote+ gives you fast access to information. One click opens Web sites, computer files or addresses. Make it easy to keep track of important information. Improve efficiency The most practical, useful desktop utility weve installed
Instant messaging You can send notes directly to other TurboNote-enabled computers. Instant messaging to groups or individuals, whether networked locally or off-site. Everyone in the office uses it - way quicker and easier than !
You can also use TurboNote+ to send s to WAPS and similar devices.
Practical applications A small office uses TurboNote+ to: keep track of tax payments organise meetings leave reminder notes communicate with contractors quickly access important files I use TurboNote+ at home to: remind me of school activities make trip plans with budgets, links to travel URLs and s leave messages for the children store important file names schedule who gets to use the car We wanted to reduce the amount of to-do jobs...that got forgotten. We use TurboNote+ to provide reminders to different teams and team members. The network support and scheduling features are very helpful in this regard. Its like a shovel - a simple idea you can do a lot with.
Used worldwide It should be installed as a standard! I installed it, five minutes later I knew I couldn't do without it. Now everyone in the office uses it better than 5 stars Pennsylvania Department of Transportation People were really resistant to using the schedule system we had installed....They've been much quicker to take up TurboNote+ because it is simple and easy to understand....It helped that we got a lot more features for a much cheaper multi-seat license too! Tri-County Hospital
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