[LANGUAGE] [COMPONENT 1A] [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: Theorist Theory


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Presentation transcript:

[LANGUAGE] [COMPONENT 1A] [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: Theorist Theory Advertising and Marketing Tide (1950s advert) WaterAid – visual advertisement (2016) Kiss of the Vampire (1963) Newspapers Daily Mirror (10 November 2016) The Times (10 November 2016) Music Video Vance Joy – Riptide (2013) Beyonce –Formation (2016) Theorist Theory Sub-terms Description Roland Barthes Semiotics Denotation, Connotation, Enigma Codes, Hermeneutic codes, Semantic codes, proairetic codes, cultural codes, myth Texts communicate through meanings through a process of signification (Denotation, Connotation, Myth, Ideology). Constructed meanings can seem self-evident, achieving myth status through a process of naturalisation. Ferdinand de Saussure Signification Sign, signifier, signified Signifer: simple form of sign (photo, word gesture). Signified: The signifier’s meaning or mental concept associated with it (rose = beauty, romance, chivalry, etc) Steve Neale Genre Hybrid, sub-genre, repetition, difference Categories of media distinguishable by repetition and difference (change and development within economic, institutional and industrial contexts) Claude Levi-Strauss Structuralism Binary Oppositions, Ideological agenda Texts can be understood through examining underlying structures and pairs of oppositions. How binary oppositions are resolved can have ideological significance. Vladimir Propp Character Types Hero, Villain, Donor, Helper, Princess, Father, Dispatcher, False Hero These are the stock characters for the majority of narratives told. Narratology Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Repair, New Equilibrium The majority of narratives have a five-act structure with variables of goals, obstacles, conflict and tension. Andrew Goodwin Music Video Theory Lyrics to visualisation 5 key aspects: Thought beats (seeing the sound), narrative and performance, the star image, relation of visuals to lyrics, technical features. Jean Baudrillard Postmodernism Simulacra and simulation, hyper-reality, bricolage, truth is merely a concept, self-reflexive, metanarrative, intertextuality, artifice, satire Blurred boundary between real and the imagined, distinction between media and reality has collapsed, reality mediated through simulated images and representations (hyper-reality). Postmodernism is sceptical about the advances of modernism leading to cynical interpretations of culture found in satire. [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: TV – Supernatural Thriller Humans – Series 1 Episode 1 (2015) The Returned – Series 1 Episode 1 (2012) Magazines Historical/Mainstream: Vogue (Conde Nast, July 1965) Contemporary/Independent: The Big Issue: Dennis & The Big Issue Ltd (October 2016, Issue 1227) Websites and Blogs Mainstream: Zoella (zoella.co.uk) Niche: Attitude (attitude.co.uk)

[REPRESENTATION] [COMPONENT 1A] [COMPONENT 2] Theorist Theory Sub-terms Description Stuart Hall Representation Stereotype, hierarchy Representation is the product of meaning through language and is governed by codes. Stereotyping reduces people to a few traits – the powerful stereotype of the subordinate/excluded groups as different. David Gauntlett Identity Pic & Mix Theory The media provides us with tools that we use to construct our identities. The media today offer a more diverse range of stars, icons and characters from whom we may pick and mix different ideas and personalities to define ourselves, others and what we consume. Judith Butler Gender Performativity Gender identity, heteronormativity, non-binary, pansexual, transgender, homosexual, bisexual, queer There is no gender identity behind expressions of gender. Gender normative expressions are performative rather than innate, reinforced by repetition and ritual rather than reality. Liesbet Van Zoonen Feminist Theory Objectification, spectacle, patriarchy Gender is constructed through discourse and it depends on context. Objectification of women is a core element of western patriarchy. Visual and narrative codes for male body spectacle differ from female body. bell hooks Intersectionality Feminism must not forget variables such as race and class in exploring intersecting issues of gender subjugation. Laura Mulvey The male gaze Masculine hegemony, objectification, male gaze, heterosexual dominance. Audience have to view characters through heterosexual male perspective. Camera lingers on the curves of the female body (from toes up) and relegates status of women as objects. Female must experience the narrative by identification with the male. Paul Gilroy Post-Colonialism Racial hierarchies, otherness, imperialism, racism Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity. Civilisationism constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on notions of otherness. Marshall McLuhan Global Village Globalisation, media saturation, Americanisation Word is metaphorically getting smaller due to media saturation and the internet. Representation of races, genders and class are becoming internationally globalised. Cultures are merging and regional cultural identity is Americanised. Applied to: Advertising and Marketing Tide (1950s advert) WaterAid – visual advertisement (2016) Kiss of the Vampire (1963) Newspapers Daily Mirror (10 November 2016) The Times (10 November 2016) Music Video Vance Joy – Riptide (2013) Beyonce –Formation (2016) [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: TV – Supernatural Thriller Humans – Series 1 Episode 1 (2015) The Returned – Series 1 Episode 1 (2012) Magazines Historical/Mainstream: Vogue (Conde Nast, July 1965) Contemporary/Independent: The Big Issue: Dennis & The Big Issue Ltd (October 2016, Issue 1227) Websites and Blogs Mainstream: Zoella (zoella.co.uk) Niche: Attitude (attitude.co.uk)

[INDUSTRY] [COMPONENT 1B] [COMPONENT 2] Theorist Theory Sub-terms Applied to: Advertising and Marketing Tide (1950s advert) WaterAid – visual advertisement (2016) Kiss of the Vampire (1963) Newspapers Daily Mirror (10 November 2016) The Times (10 November 2016) Film I, Daniel Blake (2016) Straight Outta Compton (2015) Radio Late Night Woman’s Hour – Home ‘hygge’ (28 Oct 2016) Video Games Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation (PS Vita) Theorist Theory Sub-terms Description Curran & Seaton Power and Media Ownership, hegemony, conglomerates, monopoly, oligopoly, public service broadcasting, commercial broadcasting, ideology, remit, propaganda, values, ethos, The media is controlled by a small number of firms driven by profit and power. Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality. Diverse patterns of ownership give way to more adventurous productions. Livingston & Lunt Regulation BBFC, OFCOM, Leveson, PEGI, press freedom, censorship, liberty Struggle in UK regulation policy between need to further the protection of citizens vs. the need to further the choice of consumers. Increasing power of global media and rise of convergent technologies puts traditional regulation at risk. David Hesmondhalgh Cultural Industries Vertical integration, horizontal integration, conglomerates, subsidiary, synergy, convergence. Cultural industries minimise risk and maximise audience through vertical and horizontal integration and formatting of products. Conglomerates operate across many industries. Potential of internet contained by incorporation into large profit oriented set of cultural industries. [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: TV – Supernatural Thriller Humans – Series 1 Episode 1 (2015) The Returned – Series 1 Episode 1 (2012) Magazines Historical/Mainstream: Vogue (Conde Nast, July 1965) Contemporary/Independent: The Big Issue: Dennis & The Big Issue Ltd (October 2016, Issue 1227) Websites and Blogs Mainstream: Zoella (zoella.co.uk) Niche: Attitude (attitude.co.uk)

[AUDIENCE] [COMPONENT 1B] [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: Theorist Theory Advertising and Marketing Tide (1950s advert) WaterAid – visual advertisement (2016) Kiss of the Vampire (1963) Newspapers Daily Mirror (10 November 2016) The Times (10 November 2016) Film I, Daniel Blake (2016) Straight Outta Compton (2015) Radio Late Night Woman’s Hour – Home ‘hygge’ (28 Oct 2016) Video Games Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation (PS Vita) Theorist Theory Sub-terms Description Clay Shirky End of Audience Prosumer, interactivity, peer-to-peer sharing, wireless, open-source development, vlogging The internet/digital technologies have had a profound effect on the relations between media and individuals. Audience members as passive consumers of mass media is no longer tenable in the age of the internet – media consumers are now producers who speak back to the media. Stuart Hall Reception Preferred/dominant, negotiated and oppositional readings Communication is a process of encoding by producers and decoding by audiences with three hypothetical positions to decode meaning. George Gerbner Cultivation Dominant ideology, conditioning, Exposure to repeated patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them and reinforcing mainstream values (dominant ideology). Stuart Jenkins Fandom Participatory culture, textual poaching, circulation of meanings. Fans are active participants in the construction and circulation of meanings. Textual poaching – fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that aren’t authorised by creators. Participatory culture – fans construct their own social and cultural identities through mass culture images. Albert Bandura Media Effects Copycat violence, conditioning, brainwashing, influence The media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly as they are passive. Audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new conduct via modelling. Representations of transgressive behaviour (aggression) are imitable (Bobo Doll) Blumler & Katz Uses & Gratifications Diversion and escapism, surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships Audience’s needs are gratified through active spectatorship for different purposes. Young & Rubicam Demographics and Psychographics 4Cs – 7 types – Mainstreamers, Aspirers, Explorers, Succeeders, Reformers, Strugglers, Resigned Psychographics - Audience segmentation by personality types. Demographics – categorising audience by profession (ABC1C2DE). Paul Lazarsfeld 2 Step Flow Opinion leaders, intermediary Opinion leaders: the individuals with the most access and understanding of the media influence and intervene between message and audience. Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Needs: Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, Self Actualisation A basic model of human motivation and the tiers of human needs from basic to complex. [COMPONENT 2] Applied to: TV – Supernatural Thriller Humans – Series 1 Episode 1 (2015) The Returned – Series 1 Episode 1 (2012) Magazines Historical/Mainstream: Vogue (Conde Nast, July 1965) Contemporary/Independent: The Big Issue: Dennis & The Big Issue Ltd (October 2016, Issue 1227) Websites and Blogs Mainstream: Zoella (zoella.co.uk) Niche: Attitude (attitude.co.uk)