EP Pilot project Comparative study of pressures and measures SCG Meeting 8-9 November 2011
Analysis of the RBMPs Analysis of the RBMPs ongoing: Comparative analysis across EU in 2012 Bottom-up approach; compliance check Pilot project of the European Parliament to support the analysis: “Comparative study of pressures and measures in the major river basin management plans in the EU” 1.5 million EUR, duration: 12 months Top-down approach, focussing on 4 key topic areas that merit a deeper analysis
Pilot project ‘Pressures & measures’ Governance and legal aspects Administrative arrangements in the MS: comparison of administrative arrangements, coordination mechanisms and their effectiveness International coordination mechanisms: effectiveness of coordination mechanisms, coherence of national and international plans, effective management of transboundary issues such as river continuity, setting EQSs, nutrient reduction Enforcement, control, inspection and sanction systems: survey on practices in MS and their effectiveness with a focus on WFD measures (i.a. in agriculture and groundwater) Analysis of the nature of the river basin management plans: comparison from a legal and administrative perspective e.g. on nature and level of commitments across different sectors
Pilot project ‘Pressures & measures’ Development of appropriate methodologies Comparison of typologies: comparison of methodologies used, EU-wide overview of surface water types with a focus on the main/most frequent and most commonly shared types Support to intercalibration: review of phase 2 intercalibration results through a scientific peer review panel, comparison of significant pressures in the RBDs and the sensitivity of the assessment methods Specific pollutants: comparison of EQSs set and how they have been included in ecological status assessment „Reality check“ – verification of results on the ground: comparative field exercises in shared transboundary water bodies or shared surface water types, in cooperation with MS
Pilot project ‘Pressures & measures’ Integration of water policy into related sectors and the WFD Programme of measures Comparison of main pressures acting on Europe‘s waters, comparison of definitions for „significant pressures“, comparison with other data sets establishment of a catalogue of measures, comparison of measures and their effectiveness Agriculture (point and diffuse sources) Drivers for hydromorphological alterations (hydropower, navigation and flood protection) Protection of waters used for abstraction of drinking water Water abstraction and water use (including an analysis of water demand and water availability trends) Mining, (old) industrial sites and waste disposal sites
Pilot project ‘Pressures & measures’ Economic aspects, innovation and technology Innovation and development of technology: focus on how water policy is driving innovation and technological development in the water sector and what role it plays in the economy, e.g. in the area of chemical pollution, biology and hydromorphology Costs and benefits of WFD implementation: comparison of costs for WFD implementation including a comparison of methodologies used, comparison of who carries the burden, role of EU funds, identification of innovative financing mechanisms, assessment of impacts of the economic crisis on budgets for nature protection, water management and agriculture
Follow up Information from the different sources will be combined. Final conclusions will be analysed in the Blueprint process and will be the basis of the Commission implementation report by the end of 2012 7