Aboriginal Spirituality The History Of Aboriginal Spirituality
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions for thousands of years the First Nations occupied Canada
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d… they satisfied all of their material and spiritual needs through natural resources around them Picture of Buffalo Meat Drying. Many early Métis hunted buffalo and made pemmican with the meat. They supplied pemmican to European traders. This painting shows Métis drying buffalo meat.
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d… European explorers first arrived in the 11th century contact between Europeans and Aboriginal peoples had a range of impacts including trade, commerce, conflict and competition for land and resources several alliances and treaties were made between the aboriginals and Europeans
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d… overtime more and more settlers came to Canada displacing the Aboriginals reserves were created and land was set aside for specific First Nations peoples to use Europeans considered their own ways superior and Aboriginal ways “uncivilized” Aboriginal peoples were expected to give up their ways
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d… the Gradual Civilization Act (1857) was passed to assimilate Aboriginal peoples into European culture
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d.. the Indian Act (1876) allowed the federal government to set up residential schools for Aboriginal children, which were run by Anglican, United, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches
European Contact and Aboriginal Spiritual Traditions Cont’d… in 1885, the potlatch ceremony was banned in 1895, all Aboriginal ceremonies, dances, and festivals were banned the ban was lifted in 1951 Many banned Aboriginal ceremonies continued in private, and
Recent History the territory of Nunavut, created in 1999, was the largest land claim settlement in Canada’s history Aboriginal spirituality has become recognized as an official religion; the eagle feather can now be used in the provincial justice system instead of a Bible
Recent History Cont’d… residential schools were closed after the public became aware of the cultural, physical, and sexual abuse that occurred there
Recent History Cont’d… the federal government and the churches involved have apologized to Aboriginal peoples a Truth and Reconciliation Commission is documenting the legacy of residential schools Back Story http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/truth-and-reconciliation-final-report-1.3361148 Picture of Federal Government Apology to Aboriginal Peoples. In 2008, on behalf of the government of Canada, Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked “the forgiveness of the Aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly,” and added, “We are sorry.” He is shown here presenting a citation to Assembly of First Nations Chief Phil Fontaine.
Aboriginal People in Canada Today many Aboriginal people are trying to address the negative impacts of contact they are reviving Aboriginal spiritual traditions and practices within an increasingly secular society, and integrating Aboriginal spiritual heritage with Christianity Picture of Aboriginal Christian Symbols. Many attempts have been made to incorporate Aboriginal symbols within Christianity. What Aboriginal and Christian symbols can you identify in the photograph?
Homework Read pages 70-77 in textbook Answer questions 1, 4 & 5 on page 77 Create vocabulary flashcards