Fahrenheit 451 pp. 48-68 Discussion Group 1 pp. 48-51 (purple) pp. 45-48 (red) Group 2 pp. 52-55 (purple) pp. 49-52 (red) Group 3 pp. 56-59 (purple) pp. 53-56 (red) Group 4 pp. 60-63 (purple) pp. 57-60 (red) Group 5 pp. 64-68 (purple) pp. 61-65 (red) Summarize the passage (give specific details!) Do we learn anything new about the characters? Do we meet any new ones? What point might Bradbury be making on these pages? Remember to go beyond this book and these characters: what does he have to say about society/people/the world? Find at least one direct quote to support this idea, and read it to us. Find at least TWO examples of literary techniques (similes, metaphors, personification, irony, imagery, foreshadowing, parallel structure, repetition, etc.) and read them to us. Then explain WHY Bradbury put them in the book!