So What are Views and Triggers anyway? Much of the material presented in these slides was developed by Dr. Ramon Lawrence at the University of Iowa
Views A view is the dynamic result of a query over the base relations to produce another relation. It is considered virtual because it does not usually exist inside the database, but rather is calculated when needed. To the user, a view appears just like any other table and can be present in any SQL query where a table is present. A view may either be: virtual - produced by a SQL query on demand. materialized - the view is stored as a derived table that is updated when the base relations are updated.
Creating Views Views are created using the CREATE VIEW command: Notes: CREATE VIEW viewName [(col1,col2,...,colN)] AS selectStatement [WITH [CASCADED|LOCAL] CHECK OPTION] Notes: Select statement can be any SQL query and is called the defining query of the view. It is possible to rename the columns when defining the view, otherwise they default to the names produced by the query. WITH CHECK OPTION is used to insure that if updates are performed through the view, the updated rows must satisfy the WHERE clause of the query.
Views Example Create a view that has only the employees of department 'D2': CREATE VIEW empD2 AS SELECT * FROM emp WHERE dno = 'D2'; Create a view that only shows the employee number, title, and name: CREATE VIEW staff (Number,Name,Title) AS SELECT eno,ename,title FROM emp; Note that the first example is a horizontal view because it only contains a subset of the tuples. The second example is a vertical view because it only contains a subset of the attributes.
Using views A view name may be used in exactly the same way as a table name in any SELECT query. One of the most important uses of views is in large multi-user systems, where they make it easy to control access to data for different types of users. You could create separate views even on an Employees table, and control access to them like this: CREATE VIEW phone_view AS SELECT empFName, empLName, empPhone FROM Employees; GRANT SELECT ON phone_view TO public; CREATE VIEW job_view AS SELECT employeeID, empFName, empLName, jobTitle, managerID FROM Employees; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON job_view TO managers; CREATE VIEW pay_view AS SELECT employeeID, empFName, empLName, payRate FROM Employees; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON pay_view TO payroll;
Triggers One of the problems with assertions is that they may have to be checked on every database modification unless the DBMS is intelligent enough to know when they should be checked. A solution to this problem is to explicitly tell the DBMS what events are of interest and provide an action that should be performed when that event occurs. Triggers are used to perform actions when a defined event occurs. They are newly standardized in SQL3 but have been present in various DBMSs for some time.
Triggers Example Consider this situation where triggers are useful. The WorksOn relation has a foreign key to Emp (eno). If a user inserts a record in WorksOn and the employee does not exist, the insert fails. However with triggers, we can accept the insertion into WorksOn and then create a new record in Emp so that the foreign key constraint is not violated.
Example Trigger
Triggers Syntax Notes: CREATE TRIGGER <name> BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF <events> [<referencing clause>] [FOR EACH ROW] [WHEN (<condition>)] <action> Notes: BEFORE, AFTER, INSTEAD OF indicate when a trigger is executed. <events> is the events that the trigger will be executed for. It will be one of these events: INSERT ON R DELETE ON R UPDATE [OF A1,A2,..,An] on R
Triggers Syntax - FOR EACH ROW There are two types of triggers: row-level triggers that are executed for each row that is updated, deleted, or inserted. statement-level triggers that are only executed once per statement regardless of how many tuples are affected. Inserting the clause FOR EACH ROW indicates a row-level trigger (the default is a statement-level trigger).
Why Use Triggers? Triggers supplement the standard capabilities of a DBMS. For example, you can use triggers to: Automatically generate derived column values Prevent invalid transactions Enforce complex security authorizations Enforce complex business rules Provide transparent event logging Gather statistics on table access Modify table data when statements are issued against views