Sunflower Quilt 1
Born in Harlem, New York City in 1930 Taught to sew by her mother Taught to make quilts by her great- great-grandmother An artist (mostly quilts) An author of children’s books Over 75 awards for painting and writing 2
Quilt = fabric stitched together usually to create a pattern Quilt Meanings: Warmth Preserving memories and events Storytelling “Message boards" to guide people Ringgold framed her work with cloth because it made them lighter and less expensive to ship (versus being in heavy frames) 3
Shape Color or Hue Repetition A flat figure created when lines meet to enclose a space Square Triangle Circle Irregular Color or Hue Blue + Yellow = Green Red + Yellow = Orange Red + Blue = Purple Repetition When word, sound, color or pattern is used over and over again Red Red Blue Blue Purple Purple Red Red Blue Blue Purple Purple 4
What shapes do you see? What colors do you see? What is repeated? 5
What is going on in this quilt? What kind of story do you think is being told? 6
What shapes do you see? What colors do you see? What is repeated? 7
“I am inspired by people who rise above their adversity “I am inspired by people who rise above their adversity. That’s my deepest inspiration. And also I’m inspired by the fact that if I really, really want to, I think I can do anything.” 8
The quilting bee is a traditional activity of American women A practice in which women are in control and enjoy friendships with one another. The women are shown as quilters as if they are piecing together freedom. 9