The Singapore Population Policy Why did Singapore need to control its population and what measures did it take?
Background Information Singapore is a group of Islands located off the coast of Malaysia Describe its location in the world.
What is Singapore like? Former British Colony Very strong market based economy Unemployment is 2% Poverty levels are low compared to other countries They have a welfare system similar to the UK Highest percentage of millionaire households ($US) in the world (15%) GDP - $52,100 (9th in world)
Singapore and its population Population – 5.7 million Population growth rate – 1.6% (was 0.8%) TFR rate = 1.3 children per woman Fits stage 5 of the DTM Has had a number of population manipulation policies One of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world Life expectancy – 82.1 years Average aged person is in their mid 30’s
Analysing Singapore’s population pyramid 2017 Narrow top of pyramid indicating ageing population Huge number of people in active working age Other pyramids do show the population slowly starting to recover Small base indicating declining birth-rate
Why was a population policy introduced?
What did they do? In 1986 the government decided to introduce the ’Have Three or More’, if you can afford it' policy 1986: “Have Three or More, If You Can Afford It’ – tax rebates for 3rd children, subsidies for daycare, priority in allocation of education and housing, MEDISAVE will pay for the delivery charges for the first 3 children 2001: baby bonus scheme which was enhanced in 2004: extend maternity leave, cash gifts, monetary contributions in children’s bank accounts Ensure government jobs are only 5 days a week and pay grandparents $3000 for caring for each child
What did they do?
What happened? The government encouraged immigration to cover the shortages of workers However, the workers were career focused and not very interested in having children
Were the policies effective?