2015 Erie County Youth Religiosity Data 2015 Erie County Religiosity Summit 4/14/15 2015 Erie County Youth Religiosity Data
2014 Youth Religiosity Survey Religiosity (participation in organized religion) in Erie County is measured every other year by the Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS). Ten out of thirteen public schools participated in Erie County in 2013. In the spring of 2014, youth across Erie County were asked to participate in a survey about their religious participation and history. 428 students participated. The following slides illustrate their answers to these two surveys.
2014 Erie County PA Youth Religiosity Survey 63% of students surveyed currently participate less than once a week or not at all. 20% say they have never attended at any time. A total of 34% participate sporadically or participated in the past.
Youth who respond that they participate in religion 1+ hours per week show significantly higher rates of positive family communication. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
Students who participate in organized religion one or more hours per week show stronger commitment to moral order than those who do not participate. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
Students who participate in organized religion 1 or more hours per week are significantly less likely to have personal attitudes that would lead to problem behaviors such as violence and delinquency. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
There is a significant relationship between academic achievement and religious participation. Those attending once a week or more were much more likely to get A’s an B’s, while those never attending were much more likely to get D’s and F’s. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
A’s B’s C’s D’s F’s A’s B’s C’s D’s F’s A’s B’s C’s D’s F’s There is a significant relationship between academic achievement and religious participation. Those attending once a week or more were much more likely to get A’s an B’s, while those never attending were much more likely to get D’s and F’s. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
Youth who participate in organized religion 1 or more hours per week are significantly less likely to consider suicide, be depressed, or overall believe themselves to be a failure. Erie County PA , 2013 PA Youth Survey
Participation vs. Importance Only 37% of youth said they participate weekly but 51% said religion is important and matters a lot. That means a large number of students who don’t currently attend regularly are open to it and think it is important. 2014 Erie County PA Youth Religiosity Survey
Who impacts youth participation? The most significant influence to participate or not participate in a youth’s life is Mom, followed by siblings, and then Dad. As seen below, if Mom attends or does not attend, youth attendance will likely follow suit. N=206
Opportunities Most youth who do not participate weekly were also from immediate families who do not participate weekly. However, they were likely to know neighbors or have grandparents who do actively participate in religion. That could mean that for many youth who are not participating, a neighbor or grandparent may be the window of opportunity to connect them.