Paint IT Green Afternoon Session A Guide to Lowering Your ICT Carbon from Data Centre to Desktop
2 Paint IT Green conference When should I do my bit? Howard Noble Oxford University Computing Services Wednesday, 8 th September 2010 University of Hertford
3 Strategy A - Leave computers on all year: 110/1000 x (24 x 365) x 16,000 x £0.12 = £1,850,112 Strategy B - Power them down after work: 110/1000 x (10 x 223) x 16,000 x £0.12 = £470,976
4 Why are idle computers left on? 1.To allow IT managers to install software updates and make backups 2.So computers can be accessed remotely by end-users 3.Sleep mode (ACPI S3) is unreliable 4.People forget to power them down 5.People dont like to wait for their computer to start up
5 Single sign-on WOL web pages Central WOL server Central Backup service FiDo software installation Google Visualisation API Central PMM server Request wake on LAN Sendmagic packet Request wake on LAN Send ARP query Single sign-on PMM web pages Register and wake computers Centrally provided IT services College and department networks ARP query data View graph - adjust behaviour accordingly
8 Why do this? 1.CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme: HEFCE Carbon Management Strategy: Help groups reduce costs and enhance their environmental performance 4.Help people make a rational response to the risks associated with climate change
9 So if we give people information they will reduce their environmental footprint?
14 Consider a population where: 20% have reduced their consumption significantly 30% consume to their hearts desire 50% mirror the consumption patterns of people close to them What effect might the 20% have on overall consumption? a.It will decrease b.It will stay the same c.It will increase A thought experiment:
15 Visibility of your action Benefit to planet Inconvenience to you a.Turn your office computer off every day after work b.Use 50% less water c.Use 50% less gas d.Use 50% less electricity e.50% fewer car miles f.80% fewer air miles over 5 year period g.Extend life-cycle of an IT device by 3 years h.Give £5 to a charity i.Give £1000 to a charity j.Persuade a friend to do any of the above k.Persuade a group (school, workplace) to do any of the above
16 The MO project Open dataSocial capital Culture of action on environment al issues Access, store and share energy data Visualise data so people can understand how they relate to it Link energy data with other relevant data sets Facilitate the emergence of trust and altruistic punishment Enable people to form groups and make comparisons between groups Representation of social capital
17 Social Capital + Open Data
18 Social Capital + Open Data
Next Presentation Steve Phipps
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model An holistic methodology for assisting organisations to achieve peak performance in ICT sustainability Steve Phipps, Data Centres Manager, University of Hertfordshire
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Agenda Why do we need this? The Sustainable ICT Maturity Model Lessons from an Australian Case Study How Can You get Involved?
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Why do we need this? The Green ICT Agenda becoming more important due to: – Rapidly rising energy bills – Concerns about global warming – Concerns about the sustainability of the planets resources – The UK Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) – The European Union Emission Trading Scheme
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Why do we need this? The role of metrics is to enlighten Confusion reigns! No ICT system works in a silo Benchmarking is fraught with problems Some organisations try to chain metrics to get a wider measure Chained values do not work – systems in the Data Centre are interdependent (Liam Newcombe, BCS) What initiatives do I embark on first? Energy efficiency targets are complemented by general commitments of power and energy management, switching off components not needed, and reducing energy consumption where possible (Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission DG JRC)
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) The Idea Based on the Capability Maturity Model TM Create a benchmark but also an action plan for improvement Require little or no professional assistance for self-assessment Return On Investment (ROI) argument for justifying Sustainable ICT initiatives. Key to reaping business benefits The ability to focus scarce resources on those areas where the ROI is greatest Benefits are two-fold: Lower Total Cost of Ownership Increased executive buy-in Not all sustainable initiatives will have easily understood or short payback periods Some may not be cost-justified at all but may be more brand-related or seen in the light of Corporate Responsibility.
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) The Dart Board Attributes Corporate Governance Estates / Facilities Processes IT & Network Environment Team / Corporate Responsibility Organisational Culture Peak Sustainable ICT 5
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Lessons from an Australian Case Study ICT for Eco-Sustainability; An Assessment of the capability of the Australian ICT Sector – Commissioned by the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) and developed by RMIT University – Report issued May 2010 – Based on data from 133 ICT firms, exclusively focused on the Australian ICT industry Green ICT Capability (GITCAP) represents: – An ICT firms ability and performance to articulate an eco-sustainability vision; – To apply eco-sustainability criteria to acquire and manage its tangible and intangible resources; – To deploy those resources to create products and services that promote the sustainability of industries; – To generate green economic value
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) The Green ICT Capability Maturity Distribution of ICT Firms in Australia
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) GITCAP Component Maturity Indices
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) AIIA / RMIT University Findings Of the firms in the study: Most are developing clearer strategic direction concerning the opportunities associated with climate change 75% have yet to acquire any 3 rd party certification for their environmental performance Remote working technologies are the most mature offerings Very large Organisations (>500 FTE) had relatively well developed GITCAP component capability...but...overall the surveyed firms were at a Basic maturity level Firms require systems and methodologies for tracking tangible and intangible benefits A comprehensive set of indicators can allow firms to choose to measure progress and success in improving Green ICT capability
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Conclusions Requires a high level of input Maturity Models are well-established methodologies Can be used to provide a framework whereby An organisation can be benchmarked. A bespoke roadmap can be built Providing guidance on calculating ROI Best Practices can be garnered from across industries and provide guidance for organisations to improve their maturity Organisations should be able to self-assess against easily-understood criteria
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Recommendations It should consist of two parts: A self-assessment guide for benchmarking against the maturity curve A methodology for building a bespoke Sustainable ICT Roadmap, with guidance on calculating ROI and interdependencies between activities The model should be adapted from the various inputs, to apply in an industry- agnostic manner. Needs to remain flexible and easily adaptive to changing circumstances What we require to complete the model are case studies
Sustainable ICT Maturity Model (SIMM) Recommendations We need you! Contact me on for our more in-depth report or to be involved in the Any questions?
Next Presentation Mark Johnson
A world leading energy and climate change consultancy CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme AEA was the principal technical advisor to the Government as it developed the regulations for the CRC Paint IT Green: The Carbon Reduction Commitment Mark Johnson Knowledge Leader – Emissions Trading 08/09/10, Hertfordshire
Agenda CRC Overview and registration Annual reporting The performance league table and revenue recycling Carbon trading Questions
CRC Overview +Mandatory on organisations that fall under scheme – including public sector +Scheme already underway +Annual compliance cycle - Penalty regime +Allowance trading - Market risks +Performance league table - Reputational driver +Revenue recycle - Financial implications
Registration Qualification > 6,000 MWh of qualifying electricity Deadline 30 th September, but you must complete the process by that date Guidance SGUs do not apply in public sector Mandated participants are only Central Government Initial registration complete Validation Validation Successful Enrolment details sent to Primary, Secondary & Senior Officer Contacts Enrol and complete registration You EA You EA Time: Min 2 weeks 30 September deadline …….………………………………………………………………………
Timelines Registration Footprint report Annual compliance Jan 08Jan 09Mar 10Oct 10Mar 11Mar 12 Emission period Reporting period Emission period Reporting period Key HH Electricity All energy use CRC emissions, revenue, early action * CRC emissions, revenue, early action** * 2010/11 is a reporting year only ** CTS or eq. only
Financial year compliance cycle Supply rules Own generation and treatment of renewables – potentially of significance for public sector Maintain an evidence pack Annual reporting – 10% uplift for estimates Audit not verification Annual/Footprint reporting
Emissions metrics Absolute metric % change in emissions compared with previous 5 year average Growth metric % change in emissions/turnover compared with previous 5 year average Early action metrics % AMR coverage % CT Standard or equivalent coverage -Revenue applied for public sector -Based on available data until 5-year history established -Growth will be a key factor in determining league table position for organisations with data centres
Early Action Metric Carbon Trust Standard equivalent The Environment Agency has approved the Certified Emissions Measurement And Reduction Scheme (CEMARS®) and the BS Kite Mark Others are still being considered Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Percentage of supplies (kWh) through qualifying meters compared to all non-mandatory HH electricity and gas over the footprint year Credit gained from point of installation, AMR qualifying supply – not retrospectively credited Metering a key part of data centre energy management 1 April March 2011 AMR meter installed AMR qualifying supply Non-qualifying supply
Bonus/penalty implications Next step – how much could you win or lose? Example recycle payments (Organisation with ~£2m energy spend) Recycle dateRelated emissions year Payment to recycle pot Maximum bonus/ penalty Maximum gain / loss October 2011 Early action only £215,90410%£21,590 October /12£215,90420%£43,181 October /13£215,90430%£64,771 October /14£215,90440%£86,362
Trading options April 2010 April 2011 April 2012 April 2013 Scheme starts Introductory PhaseSecond Phase Government sale / auction Secondary market Safety valve
Managing carbon market risks Understand compliance obligations Understand access to allowance market Review risks for possible trading approaches Develop a trading approach supported by internal emissions monitoring and forecasting Keep under review Approach: develop a trading strategy following the above principles
The coalition view This new Coalition Government wants to boost energy efficiency in business because we know that saving energy saves money. The CRC will encourage significant savings through greater energy efficiency and importantly will make carbon a boardroom issue for many large organisations…. I understand the original complexity of the scheme may have deterred some organisations and I want to hear suggestions as to how we can make the scheme simpler in the future. Greg Barker, Energy and Climate Change Minister, 11 th August 2010
Register now if youve not done so Understand the requirements for annual compliance and make sure your systems are in place Plan for the financial implications of the scheme There is still time to take early action Prepare for trading Summary
Thank you for your time Mark Johnson Knowledge Leader – Emissions Trading Any questions? AEA has launched an electronic personalised plan designed to help you with your carbon footprint appraisal and reporting
Next Break and Refreshments Next Presentation Panel Discussion with Professor Andrew Starr