Presentation subtitle: 20pt Arial Regular, green R204 | G255 | B153 Recommended maximum length: 2 lines IBM logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Presentation title: 28pt Arial Regular, white Recommended maximum length: 2 lines Group name: 17pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Computer Technology Institute, Greece German Aerospace Institute, Germany Vienna University of Technology, Austria Emphasis Telematics, Greece Geomatics, Greece Greenway Systeme, Germany WIGeoGIS, Austria TALENT, Greece a co-operative research project funded by the European Commission
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 2 of 12 Motivation Use of Floating Car Data (FCD) to assess traffic Floating car data? –basic vehicle telemetry, e.g., speed, direction, ABS use –the position of the vehicle ( tracking data) –GPS tracking Traffic assessment –data from one vehicle as a sample to assess overall traffic conditions – cork swimming in the river –large amounts of tracking data (e.g., taxis, public transport, utility vehicles, private vehicles) accurate picture of the traffic conditions –>>>cheap data source<<<
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 3 of 12 Motivation Travel time fluctuation in road network Live assessment –deriving travel times from FCD (tracking data) –one vehicle one route –many vehicles (good) coverage of the entire road network Historic data –collections of FCD to derive trends –complement live data
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 4 of 12 The Project Goal To build a Web-based platform that 1) enables people to contribute their tracking data in the simplest possible way and 2) based on the collected tracking data, provides basic, value-added services (API) serving as building blocks for rich(er) services.
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 5 of 12 System Overview Public data collection and dissemination site Web services Data collection Data dissemination –travel time maps –travel time assessment –travel time prediction –building blocks for richer applications/ services
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 6 of 12 Data Scenario GPS vehicle tracking data –large variety of vehicles –vehicle fleets, e.g., taxis, school buses, delivery trucks, –indiv. vehicles Real-time data –Berlin, Vienna, and Athens BerlinViennaAthens
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 7 of 12 Data Scenario Definition of a data model for FCD (tracking data) –rely on existing standards (KML, geoRSS) Creation of a data collection service for FCD –key aspect – simple set up for adding new FCD source to data mart –analysis of data provider expectations – encryption, type of connection
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 8 of 12 Data Pre-Processing Map-matching algorithms –relating the GPS vehicle tracking data (FCD) to road network –compensates for measurement (GPS) and sampling error (30s) in the tracking data
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 9 of 12 Data Management Computing link-based travel times –derivation of current and future travel times from collected –current and –historic travel time data From route-based to road-based travel times –distributing travel times from routes (tracking data) to links in the road network Inhomogeneous FCD problem –different types of vehicles producing data –making travel time data comparable
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 10 of 12 Services FCD collection service –simplest possible way for new data providers to connect to the data mart Value-added services to provide elementary building blocks of rich(er) services (API) –Travel time maps – visualization of travel time conditions –Travel-time assessment and prediction service - given a road network and time horizon provide (expected) travel times Evaluation –integration with existing services – fleet management, routing, traffic-light switching
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 11 of 12 Platform Integrating data management and services into a single platform Web+Map interface based on the Cruiser platformCruiser platform
TRACK&TRADE Web presentation Project Overview Slide 12 of 12 Contact Dieter Pfoser RA Computer Technology Institute Davaki 10 GR Ampelokipoi, Athens Greece Phone: Fax: Web: