Degree Apprenticeships 2019 With HSBC UK Date: Updated February 2019 Prepared by: Joanne Reynolds PUBLIC
Apprenticeships PUBLIC
What is an Apprenticeship? Apprenticeships allow you to combine work and study You'll be employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification You’ll earn while you learn. HSBC pay above the minimum wage. Very competitive salary and benefits A real alternative to A 'levels and University Improve your career prospects as you are gaining experience whilst you learn – “92% of apprentices said their career prospects had improved as a result of completing an apprenticeship” PUBLIC
Benefits of a HSBC Apprenticeships The HSBC Apprenticeship Programme was launched in 2011 in association with the National Apprenticeship Service and was the first of its kind run by a major UK bank. Since September 2011, 2,500 people have joined the HSBC Apprenticeship programme and 1,743 have completed it. The completion success rate for programme participants is 86%, which is above the national average. 60% of our apprentices are female, 25% are from a BAME background. We have received excellent feedback, both internally and externally: In 2013 Ofsted awarded HSBC’s apprenticeship programme a ‘2’ rating with “outstanding elements in all areas”. This rating was maintained in the 2018 inspection, with numerous improvements and enhancements identified since the last visit. Our Timely Success Rate is 91%, 35% above national average. 97% of learners would recommend the apprenticeship program to a colleague. 98% of line managers believe the program meets business needs. Our retention rates for those who have been through the programme is 97.4% after two years (against a comparative norm of 76%). PUBLIC
Held at the House of Commons Graduation All our successful will be invited to our Graduation Reception on completion of their Apprenticeship Graduation Reception 2018 Held at the House of Commons PUBLIC
What makes up an Apprenticeship? You will be working towards : National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) from level 2 – 7 It can also include: Functional Skills - GCSE level qualifications in English, Maths and IT. Technical certificates - such as BTEC, City and Guild Progression Award etc. Academic qualifications or Professional qualifications such as London Institute of Banking & Finance CertRBCB PUBLIC
Apprenticeship program Process The Apprentice will be allocated a qualified and experienced Assessor/Trainer called a Talent Coach who is occupationally competent Visits” will be face to face, by email, or by phone. These will be as often as the Apprentice needs. Typically monthly to 12 weekly First visit will be an apprenticeship induction, explaining the whole process and the responsibilities and commitment of the Apprentice, the Talent Coach and the you, as the Line Manager During these visits: - Coaching on the course content - Setting work and assignments - Observing and assessing the Apprentice carrying out tasks relevant to the apprenticeship - Giving feedback on work produced - Setting and reviewing targets Produce a portfolio of evidence demonstrating the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the role Review of progress – discuss the apprentice’s progress. 3 way discussion between the Apprentice, the Talent Coach and the Line Manager Workshops for professional qualification PUBLIC
Commitment statement This is a 3 way agreement between the you the apprentice, your manager and the training provider As an Apprentice you agree to complete the work set in a timely manner As an employer they agree to give you 20% of the duration of your course as “off the job training” As a Training Provider they agree to give you quality training and support to help you achieve your apprenticeship PUBLIC
End point assessment – England only All apprentices now have to complete an end-point assessment to complete their qualification The EPA is designed to test whether each apprentice has gained the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the standard All EPAs are different, can be exams, an interview, a practical assessment, reviewing of the portfolio of evidence All end-point assessment providers must be approved by the ESFA before being added to the Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations (RoAAO) The EPA provider must be a independent from the Training Provider PUBLIC
New to bank Degree Apprenticeships PUBLIC
New to Bank Degree Apprenticeship Financial Service Professional Locations: Birmingham & Leicester Entry Criteria – 5 GCSEs above C including Maths Grade B and English Grade C or equivalent UCAS points or equivalent 4 year programme working towards the Level 6 Financial Services professional apprenticeship with Kaplan. This will be in partnership with the LIBF where the applicant will work towards BSc (Hons) in Banking Practice and Management There will be 4 12 month rotations in different roles with in Commercial Banking in the Midlands The cost of the degree and professional qualifications is fully covered by the apprenticeship Levy so no cost to the business or the Degree apprentice at all. PUBLIC
Degree Apprenticeships Degree Apprenticeships at HSBC allow you to combine work and study, with the opportunity to work towards a BSc (Hons) in Banking Practice and Management with the aid of a structured 4 year programme. It provides a real alternative to university. We are looking for people with drive and aspiration. We look for people who think, see and do things differently and who can represent and relate to our diverse global customer base. We employ, develop and promote employees based on merit and provide a supportive and inclusive working environment The programme offers a clear career progression path A competitive salary A vast amount of experience and networking No tuition fees PUBLIC
COMMERCIAL BANKING BSc (Hons) Banking Practice and Management and Chartered Associateship L E V E L 4 Financial Markets and Risk ↓ Fundamentals of Leadership and Management OR Relationship Management L E V E L 5 Organisational Management in Financial Services Commercial and Corporate Financial Services L E V E L 6 Strategic Management in Financial Services FinTech Risk Management in Banking Project OR Advanced Work-Based Learning PUBLIC
Duration of degree programme is four years Delivery Options Duration of degree programme is four years Each module is delivered sequentially over a term of 18 weeks in duration Mode of delivery is flexible depending on your preference: Online, including a minimum of three one-hour webinars per module OR Blend of online as above and face-to-face workshops (normally four days per module) Frequency and location of workshops can also be flexible PUBLIC
Recruitment process Go Live 4th March 2019 Eligibility Assessment Online Immersive Applications close 26th April 2019 Assessment Centres Wkc 6th May 2019 Make Offers May 2019 Issue Contracts Welcome Day 22 July 2019 Onboarding from wkc 22nd July 2019 Start date 14th October 2019 PUBLIC
Contact Details PUBLIC
Contact Details Joanne Reynolds Senior Apprenticeship Specialist PUBLIC