Cartoon Pop Art HOW TO...
Open self portrait in photoshop
Open new document 8 x 10 300 pixels/inch
should be like this
duplicate layer (ctrl + J) title layer
Drag copy to new document with move tool
Enlarge photo with scale
duplicate photo again (ctrl + J ) add new layer (ctrl + shift + n)
title new layer Line Art
Begin Line art set up your brush tool set thickness to 7 or less click on the mid #30 brush type set hardness to 100%
setting shape dynamics still using brush tool click on shape dynamics set controls to fade at 250 27% minimum diameter then minimize brush screen and click on pen tool
Using Pen tool start on part of the face make points along feature
oops! if you made a mistake with point placement use delete anchor point tool and click on point that you want to delete
satisfied with what you have... right click over it and click on stroke path
stroke path window opens make sure tool is set on brush. and click ok. or click on simulate pressure and see how that looks in comparison.
this is what should happen...
get rid of dots... right click on line and click on delete path what will happen
repeat steps 10 - 17 but explore other brush strokes and widths!
How to do selections same steps but you have the beginning point meet the end points right click on shape and click fill path making sure it is on foreground, click ok
making the inner eyes use ellipse tool have setting on shape selection color set to black for outer ring make ellipse over entire iris repeat steps but change fill colors for the other ellipses