Tirupparamkundram There are 4 important Heritage sites on each side of the hill. East side entrance steps lead to the “Kasiviswanathar Temple” and at the Top, before the temple Theerthangarar sculptures spring will be seen. Just opposite to Tirupparamkundram Railway station we can claim the steps to 3 caves with stone beds & bhirami inscriptions and spring.
East entrance to the Theerthangarar sculptures
Spring under the sculptures
Sculptures It was created on 9-10th century. It was a school at the pandia’s period. Combined two sculptures. Parsuvanathar & Pahupali’s carved sculptures. At parsuvanathar’s sculpture shows that, his enemy namely “Kamadan” thrown the rock to him, there after worshiped him. Pahupali sculpture on standing position with his 2 sisters.
Parsuvanathar,pahupali sculptures
Sign board
View of the cave with rock beds and spring
Jain’s beds at 2nd cave
Jain’s school It was a school of Jains at 2nd century and created by “Athuvan”. The rock beds are made by “Eazhakkudumbihan Poalalayan”and his native was “Erukkattoor” at 1st century and donated by him.
Bhirami inscriptions upon the jain’s beds
Opened eye view from the 2nd cave
Further more steps and cannel
Rock cut cave temple It was called Umayandar Temple at 8th century.After jain’s period (after 13th century) it was converted as Lord Siva temple from jain’s school by Prasanna Thevar. It was indicated the name of 1st maravarman Sundarapandian (Pandia’s king) as “Sundara Pandia Easwaramudayar Temple)
Rock cut cave temple
Theerthangarar sculpture
Thenparamkundram North face steps to the hill situated at just west side from the Lord Murugan Temple. These steps are joined with East side steps at the middle of the hill. At South side, rock cut cave temple is there.
View of Tirupparamkundram
View of Tirupparamkundram railway station from the west top cave
North side entrance and steps to the hill
Steps to the hill between the trees
View of Theppam from the north hill middle
entrance to Thenparamkundram-rock cut cave Temple (South side of the hill)
Route map to Tirupparmkundram
View of Thirupparamkundram hill from Perumalmali