Ford and Carter
Ford Bad Economy Pardons Nixon WIN (Whip Inflation Now) People’s opinions showed in congressional elects WIN (Whip Inflation Now) Voluntary Economy got worse
Carter Christian Fundamentalist support Inexperience Hurts Few bills passed Congress Granted amnesty to draft dodgers Inflation soars Chrysler takes a gov. loan Energy Crisis Volcker raises interest rates
Changing Values People leave the ‘Rust Belt’ for the ‘Sun Belt’ Influx of Latino immigrants Nixon courted the Spanish-speaking vote Divorce rate doubles between 1965 and 1979 2x as many kids born out of wedlock “Me Decade” Increase in personal fitness
Traditional Values Great Awakening Televangelists 1 in 5 a fundamentalist by 1980 Televangelists Opposed ruling on legalized abortion and restricted prayer in school
Assignment P. 613 #1, 4 - 6