English II March 20, 2018 As you come in, answer questions 3 & 4 for both the revision and editing selections you received yesterday. If you need to read the selection again, please take the time to do so. We will wait for everyone to finish before moving on. DO NOT try to answer the questions without reading the selections!!
Announcements Don’t forget that your reader response essays are due on Friday. If you are going to be out of school that day, you are still required to submit that to me, either in print or via email, before 3:30 p.m. on Friday. This is a test grade, so no late work will be permitted.
Drafting a Position Statement The position statement states the writer’s opinion about the topic, and can easily be supported with ideas and evidence. The position statement must directly respond to the prompt. If your position statement either a) strays from the topic, or b) does not state a clear position, you will lose points on the essay.
Drafting a Position Statement Let’s look at an example… What is the PROMPT?
Drafting a Position Statement Position statement #1: Idealistic people are better at pursuing big goals, while practical people are better at completing smaller tasks. Is this a good position statement? Why or why not?
Drafting a Position Statement Position statement #2: The ability to dream big is the most important quality a person needs to live a remarkable life and help others. Is this a good position statement? Why or why not?
Drafting a Position Statement On a sheet of scratch paper, revise each of the following to be stronger position statements. The prompt is: Write an essay stating your position on whether it is best to change or to stay the same. It is often necessary to change, whether you like it or not. It is important to be able to change, because change will happen whether or not you are ready. It is important to always be improving your life. It is important to improve our lives and ourselves, and to improve, we must be willing to change. Things change, but my favorite people stay the same. Though the world is in a constant state of change, your true self will always be the same.
Homework For homework tonight, revise the draft position statement you wrote yesterday. Be sure and make the revision on the packet for the essay so that I can see your work when you turn it in. Continue working on your reader response essays.