Blending Race Way Directions: First enable macros on power point. Each version of power point is a bit different so you will have to figure that out on your own… Google is your friend. Just Google your version of power point 2003, 2007, 2010, 2055 ect. Purpose: To help students learn basic word blending skills. 2-5 Players. Select slide 4 and press (shift F5) to This will run the last slide in the show. In the black box type a word for the students to sound out. Whom ever says the word first gets their car to move forward on the track. Note there are 8 lines on the track. The lines are used to show progress one word correct and their car moves up one line. * Alternative type sight words into the black box. ©
Interactive features To move the cars, select the car: Click + move the cursor = Drag and Drop To Rotate the cars as they go around the track. Click + Shift = Rotate clockwise by 45 degrees at a time Click on the speakers to add extra excitement and race way noises.
How it works You are enabling a macro called DragandDrop. It was written by Hans Werner Hofmann and Ute Simon and their names will appear in the properties of this ppt file. You can delete any slides now and the macro will stay. See link for further information:
word Blending Race Way ©