“I Can” Learning Targets Important Note: Slide 1 Cover slide Slide 2-5 Literature (Skills on slides 2-5 are to be covered throughout the year. All of these skills will not be addressed 1st six wks. Choose the “I Can” Learning Targets you deem the best fit each 6 wks.) Slide 6-7 “I Can” Learning Targets for skill pages in text, 1st Six Weeks 3rd Grade Reading 1st Six Weeks
“I Can” Literature, Part I GLE 8.1 I can decide my purpose for reading by using the illustrations and other images in a selection. I can ask myself questions and make predictions while I am reading to help me understand. I can use information I found while I read to draw conclusions and to discover the main idea after I have finished reading. I can decide how different types of similar stories, legends, or events are alike and different. I can learn the meaning of new words by listening to selections and talking about them in class. I can read comfortably, smoothly, and without pauses when I read alone or with a group. . I can understand that literature comes from different cultures. I can participate in different discussions about what I have read I can make predictions by using illustrations and other images in a selection. I can decide an author’s purpose for writing a selection (to entertain, to inform, to describe, to share feelings). I can find the problem in a story and understand how it was solved. GLE 8.2 I can describe the meaning of “stanza”. I can recognize poems, plays, and novels. I can go to the library to select and check out books or any other materials I might need. I can read longer stories, nonfiction selections, and chapter books by my self.
“I Can” Literature, Part II GLE 8.3 I can recognize poems, plays, and stories. I can recognize what should be included in the plot of fairy tales, folk tales, fables, and myths. I can read and review short stories, fairy tales, folk tales, poetry, plays, and nonfiction selections. GLE 8.4 I can describe the meaning of “setting”. I can describe the meaning of “character”. I can describe the meaning of “sequential”. I can describe the meaning of “organization” I can practice writing stories about my own personal experiences. I can recognize the way language is used (rhythm, beat, imagery, simile, and metaphor) in different types of literature. I can recognize and create rhyming words. I can identify the setting, characters, and plot in a story. I can identify the main and minor characters in a story. I can correctly sequence and organize the events of a story.
“I Can” Informational Text (ex. Expository Nonfiction, Articles, etc.) GLE 0301.6.1 I can use illustrations to tell why I am reading a selection. I can understand what I am reading by asking questions and making pictures in my head. I can understand what I have read by thinking of the events in the story and what I already know. I can tell the main idea and details of what I read. I can tell the difference in fiction and nonfiction. I can tell facts from fictional statements. I can choose questions to help me understand what I am reading (before, during, and after). GLE 0301.6.2 I can choose the picture or graph that goes best with the text. I can find information using charts, maps, or graphs. I can recognize the parts of a book. I can put instructions in sequential (step by step) order. I can use charts, tables, maps, legends, and illustrations to find information. I can follow instructions in a selection to complete a recipe or put something together.
“I Can” Logic and Reasoning in Reading GLE 0301.5.1 I can describe the meaning of… “fact” “opinion” “cause” “inference” I can tell the difference in fact and opinion. I can tell the difference in cause and effect. I can use inference to help me understand what I read. I can draw a conclusion about something I have read. GLE 0301.5.2 I can change my predictions as I’m reading GLE 0301.5.3 I can describe the meaning of “sequential”. I can describe the meaning of “cause”. I can describe the meaning of “effect”. I can tell how two characters, ideas, or stories are like or different. I can put events from a text in order. I can tell the difference in cause and effect.
“I Can” Skills (Text pgs. 12/14, 42/44, 64/66) I can put events from a text in order. I can read and understand the meaning of compound words, and shortened words (contractions and abbreviations) found in my 3rd grade books. I can correctly sequence and organize the events of a story. I can create a picture in my mind about what I read to help me understand. I can describe the meaning of “glossary”. I can recognize the table of contents, index, glossary, and title page in a book. I can tell the difference in fiction and nonfiction. (fantasy/realism) I can tell facts from fictional statements. I can understand what I have read by thinking of the events in the story and what I already know. I can use clues in the sentence and the prefixes and suffixes of words to help me determine the meaning of words. I can recognize multiple meanings of words. I can put events from a text in order.
“I Can” Skills (Text pgs. 86/88, 116/118, 150/152) I can tell the difference in fiction and nonfiction. (fantasy/realism) I can tell facts from fictional statements. I can ask myself questions and make predictions while I am reading to help me understand. (reread) I can describe the meaning of “setting”. I can tell how settings are alike in one or more stories. I can identify the setting, characters, and plot in a story. I can identify the main and minor characters in a story. I can understand the sequence of events from the text. (beginning, middle, end) I can correctly sequence and organize the events of a story. I can use information I found while I read to draw conclusions and to discover the main idea after I have finished reading. I can tell the main idea and details of what I read. I can create and use a graphic organizer to organize my information. (ex. webs, charts, graphs, and diagrams).