Our Green Idea By Jake Rosenfeld, Josh Gusick, and Dori Fleekop
Rain Barrels collect water from the rain Used to water plants, wash car, etc
Composting Toilet Doesnt use any water The human waste that is collected is used for compost
Straw Bale Insulation offers great insulation cheap and affordable
Passive Solar Suns rays pass through windows Heat the building
Double Pane Windows Insulate house Sound proof durable
Solar Thermal Plants: How Does It Work? Solar panels placed along a giant field The panels are directed at the sun to harness the energy Tubing underneath contains water that is heated from the sun water is run to a tank
Advantages Unlimited supply Unlimited supply Environmentally friendly Environmentally friendly Cheap in the long run Cheap in the long run Covers a lot of space Covers a lot of space
Disadvantages Not always sunny Not always sunny Energy conversion rates low/not as efficient Energy conversion rates low/not as efficient Very expensive Very expensive Needs a lot of land Needs a lot of land