Results informal break out session SCG meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Results informal break out session SCG meeting 07-11-07 agenda item 7g - Environmental Objectives and Exemptions Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 1: Open points SCG item 7g Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 1: Section 10, p. 16, common understanding ‘extreme floods’, 2nd para: ‘An extreme flood should be related to category (a). However, there may be other circumstances ....’ Opposed to inclusion of this paragraph: ES/PT/SE/FI Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 2: Open points SCG item 7g Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 2: Section 13, p. 19, distributional consequences ‘the total costs of an investment programme and its potential "affordability" as part of a public budget is not part of this discussion’ Opposed to this statement: ES/DE/FR Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 3: Open points SCG item 7g Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 3: Section 13, p. 20, distributional consequences It will be difficult to argue that distributional consequences play a role in applying less stringent objectives (cf. Article 4(5)), Opposed to this statement: NL/FR/ES/UK Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 4: Open points SCG item 7g Open points version 5.0 Exemptions Paper - 4: Section 13 (and 11), p. 20, distributional consequences distributional consequences should never be a sufficient argument in itself to apply for an extension of the deadline Opposed to this statement: BE/ES/DE/UK Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Exemptions Paper version 5.1: Proposed way forward Exemptions Paper version 5.1: -Will include open points -WD will be requested to discuss and agree open points 1-4 Discussion document -comments to be sent by Fri 16 November -will capture different arguments -WD are requested to agree that the document: - is reflecting the discussions properly - will be made publicly available after endorsement - can be used for wider discussions, eg. in MS - forms a basis for the preparation of the workshop and the next DG meeting Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.

Comprehensive document end of 2008: Proposed way forward Comprehensive document end of 2008: -will include statements from 3 papers: -environmental objectives -Art. 4.7 -Exemptions 4.4 -4.6 -captures discussions Spring workshop -captures continuation of work of the drafting group Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.