Health Inspectorate of Republic of Kosova Work Plan 2019 Republika e Kosovës/Qeveria Ministria e Shendetësisë Inspektorati Shëndetësor Health Inspectorate of Republic of Kosova Work Plan 2019 Dr. Ardita Baraku Prishtina, Kosova
Responsibilities, the Law on Health Inspectorate External professional monitoring of all health institutions Implementation of health legislation, ethical and professional norms and standards. Purpose: to increase the quality of medical services and care towards citizens in the health care institutions
Specifically Method of admission, treatment and discharge of patients from health care institutions; Reports from health staff and supportive staff in relation to patients, citizens and visitors within health care institutions; Prescription and the method of utilization of drugs and expiration dates as well as transport, warehousing and storage of drugs; Adequate manner to apply prevention, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods; Maintenance of medical documents and evidences as well as other reporting forms in conformity with the determined rules. Method of health staff reaction in emergency situations;
In 2018: 9 Inspectors, no Lawyer, 1 Assistant Lloji i Inspektimit N % Planned 707 66.5 Follow up 158 14.9 Specific - unplanned 88 8.3 Tematic 110 10.3 Gjithsej 1063 100
Inspections based on level of health care/ownership (N), 2018
1911 reccomendations in 2018: 1 per public institution vs 1911 reccomendations in 2018: 1 per public institution vs. 2 per private (rounded %) Public Private Health documentation (24) Work resources (19) Patient information (15) Hygiene (9) Medicines (7) Medical waste (1) No objections (0) Other (26) Patient information (32) Health documentation (18) Medical waste (12) Medicines (8) Work resources (7) No objections (5) Hygiene (1) Other (18)
Financial fines - 6.6 % of inspections 71 fines in 2018: 35 lack of licence of the health institutions, 9 for foreign doctors working without licence 4 for offering unlinced service 12 for impromer handling of medical documentation 5 for breaching the law (breastfeeding, tobacco and IVF) 2 for lack of health personnel 4 for negligent health care of a baby Plus: Cases refered to Chambers of health professionals (doctors and nurses)
151 patient complaints in 2018
Other major activities in 2018 Health services in 5 correction centers were inspected. 5 follow up inspection in municipalities that provide services for serbian minority population . Tematic inspections regarding respecting AI 05/2011 for prevention and control of intrahospital infections. At the primary health care level (public), for the first time 34 municipalities (including minorities) have reported daily on Cardiovascuar and Respiratory diseases, upon request of National Institute of Public Health made to the Health Inspectorate to controll the level of air pollution and its impact on health. Official meeting with the Health Inspectorate of Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro (as a part of MoH, and EPSO). Official visit to Croatian Health Inspectorate – inspection of SoHO (blood, tissues, organs, medically assisted reproduction)
Work Plan 2019 Sectorial Strategy 2017-2022 Work priorities of the Ministry Experience from the field Continuation of what was done in 2018 The plan Follow up inspectons of 2018 (primary care, UCCK, private practice) Foreign doctors (72 foreing doctors in end of 2018) Inspections in SoHO (TAIEX support in March, blood and ivf). One inspection made for IVF – with legal consequences. Patient Complaints Biochemical laboratories in Primary Care For the first time, internal development Language SoHO Administrative procedures, etc.
Communication of the Plan 2019 It is a part of the work plan of the Ministry Director of the University Clinical Service of Kosova for the plan Visits to directors of the hospitals are planned Communication with the Director of the National Transfusion Center Inspected partied were informed during inspections that they will be reinspected, the same in written report. Report of the activites quarterly
Challenges for the Health Inspectorate Future of the Inspectorate – joint with Pharmaceutical or not Legal infrastructure of the Inspectorate – depending on the previous point Working conditions: Personnel: position, staffing, payment, licence, trainings Equipment: database, analysis tools, field vehicles, check lists
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