Chapter 16 Section 10 How are space stations used?


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 16 Section 10 How are space stations used? Objective: Explain the role of space stations.

Space Stations Artificial satellites and space probes are very useful in space exploration. They can gather information and send it back to scientists on Earth. The scientists do not have to leave Earth. Sometimes, however, scientists prefer to make their observations directly. In a space station, scientists can live and work in space for long periods of time.

EXPLAIN: What is a space station useful for?

Early Space Stations In 1971, the former Soviet Union launched the first space station, Salyut (“salute”). The first U.S. space station, Skylab, was launched in 1973. It was about the size of a small house. Three teams of astronauts visited Skylab.

Early Space Stations Eventually, Salyut and Skylab wandered from their orbits, causing them to fall to Earth. They had shown, though, that people could safely live and work in space.

Early Space Stations The former Soviet Union later constructed in space their second space station, called Mir (“Peace”). The first part of Mir was launched in 1986. Some cosmonauts stayed on Mir for more than a year, setting new records. Mir fell out of orbit and back to Earth in 2001.

2. NAME: What was the first U.S. space station?

The International Space Station The United States and Russia launched the first parts of a new space station, called the International Space Station, or ISS, in 1998. Other countries are involved in this project as well. The ISS may be complete by 2006. Many parts have already been carried into orbit by space shuttles or other rockets.

The International Space Station People have been working and living on the ISS since the year 2000. They use the space shuttle to travel to and from Earth. The completed ISS will have laboratories, living quarters, docking bays for shuttles, and solar panels for energy. It will also have a satellite repair shop.

3. DESCRIBE: What are some parts of the ISS?

Living in Space Astronauts on the ISS must live and work in conditions that are very different from those on Earth. Life-support systems on board must provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. The air has to be pressurized. Food and water must be supplied from Earth. The water must be recycled.

Living in Space Because of the very low gravity in space, the body does not have to work as hard in space as it does on Earth. Muscles tend to weaken. Therefore, exercise is essential to keep the astronaut’s bodies in shape.

Living in Space Also, sleeping areas in space must have straps to prevent astronauts from floating off. Eye shades must be worn because the Sun rises and sets every hour and a half on a spacecraft in near Earth orbit.

4. HYPOTHESIZE: What are some other problems astronauts might have living in space?

16-10 Classwork CHECKING CONCEPTS In a ___, scientists can live and work in space. The first space station was called ___. Parts for the ISS are carried into orbit mostly by the ___. The ISS will be used to repair ___.

16-10 Classwork 5. INFER: Astronauts living on a space station have to adjust to the weightlessness of space. Ordinary chores are often more complicated than they are on Earth. Identify three things that you do every day on Earth, such as take a shower, that might be very difficult to do on a space station.