Electronic Business
B2B Business-to-Business Examples: http://www.b2bdirect.ca/ http://www.usbid.com/ http://www.alibaba.com/ job training http://www.b2bsalesconnections.com/ List of sites http://www.forbes.com/bow/b2b/main.jhtml
B2C and C2C EBay http://www.ebay.ca/ Qbids (be careful!) http://www.quibids.com/ More regular B2C on-line shopping Staples, Dell, HP, Epson, etc……… AbeBooks For textbooks use the ISBN or MHID number. Your textbook ISBN is 9780073376790 Avoid International Editions and purchases from places other than Canada, US, UK, (or Europe for non-English books). Used book so inserts may be missing – CD, card to join website, etc. Also BookFinder.com
How to Pay Learn about PayPal. You signup (no cost) with a credit card and all payments are made thru PayPal and appear on your credit card. This way you do not give credit card number to others. It is OK to give cc number to big companies (Dell, Amazon.com, Staples, FutureShop, etc.) PayPal is owned by EBay