ICI Meeting 2017 E- poster Template
What is an E-poster ? The E-poster is a PPT presentation accessible on a computer station during the congress. The computer stands will be located at the exhibition area. The E-poster system provides a user friendly browsing engine available to all ICI meeting attendees. The E-poster system allows you to search presentations by: Authors name and Abstract Title.
How to prepare a E-poster? Format: All E-posters must be prepared as a power point, converted into PDF and sent to the ICI Meeting secretariat. No. of Slides: Each E-poster presentation may include up to 6 PowerPoint slides. Images: You are welcome to include images and tables, however videos, animations and transitions should not be inserted into the E-poster. Title: The first page must include: Abstract title, Abstract authors (First name, Last name, Affiliation and Country). The details should be exactly the same as the submitted Abstract. Contact Details: Please include one author’s email address within the presentation final slide.
General Terms Deadline: The PDF should be submitted by mail to secretariat@icimeeting.com no later than October 31st, 2017. Presentations sent after the deadline will not be included in the E-poster system. Abstract Publishing: The Abstract, as submitted before, will be published on the ICI congress materials. Abstract Withdrawal: Should you wish to withdraw your abstract and not present an E-poster at the Congress, please update the ICI Secretariat by October 31st, 2017.
Further Information Should you require any further information, please contact us at: secretariat@icimeeting.com Congress Secretariat: Tali Kaplan Assistant Project Manager ICI 2017 Paragon Group (Dan Knassim) Telefax: +972-3-5767705/39 Abba Eban 15, Hertzliya , Israel Email: secretariat@icimeeting.com Website: www.icimeeting.com
Disclosures I have no financial relationships to disclose concerning the content of this presentation or session.