Second Semester Math II 2019
New Grading Policy Grading percentages Formative 30% (10% Homework and 20% Classwork/Projects) Summative 70% (Quizzes/Tests) Summative assessments must be aligned to standards. Students are allowed one retake of a failed summative assessment with remedial work required prior to retake. Extra credit should not be provided. Late work will be accepted for full credit up to two weeks after the due date of the assignment or the end of the unit (teacher choice, but be consistent). Assignments must be listed by standard in the teacher’s gradebook.
Testing window is April 15-May 3 3 Ring Binder Notebook Purpose: Create a personalized study guide and review for the TCAP EOC test. Testing window is April 15-May 3 Sections: Notes arranged by date Warm Ups (Formative) Assignments (Formative) Tests and Quizzes (Summative)
January February Finish Quadratics and Exponential Functions Rate of Change Finding the Zeros Completing the Square Complex Numbers System of Equations February Geometry Trigonometry Geometric Measurement
March April Probability SPRING BREAK! Review TCAP/EOC Test 83 School Days to testing Window