Mapping spaces from a rational point of view 5/9/2019 Mapping spaces from a rational point of view (Joint work with Urtzi Buijs) Tokyo, July 2005
Kotani Kuribayashi Lupton Credits Bousfield Brown F.Cohen Félix Haefliger Kotani Kuribayashi Lupton Möller Peterson Rausen Shibata Shiga L.Smith S.Smith Sullivan Szczarba Tanré Taylor Thom Vigué Yamaguchi
A brief introduction
Definition Theorem (Brown-Szczarba)
A model for the evaluation fibration Problem Corollary Theorem Remark
The restriction to components
Corollary Theorem
The homotopy groups Theorem
Evaluation subgroups (Gottlieb groups) Corollary
More consequences… d It generalizes and complements previous work by Y. Félix, Y. Kotani, D. Tanré and M. Vigué