doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Nov 2012 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Topics for 4q ULP PHY Amendment] Date Submitted: [Nov 9th, 2012] Source: [Rick Powell] Company [Microsemi-Zarlink] Address [15822 Bernardo Center Dr, Ste B, San Diego, CA, 92127] Voice:[+01-858-675-3485] FAX :[+01-858-675-3450] E-Mail:[ ] Re: [In response to TG4q PAR] Abstract: [This presentation provides a list of some of the PHY characteristics needing consideration for possible modification for ULP operation. In some cases, changes from 15.4g and 15.4k are referenced.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Rick Powell (Microsemi) Rick Powell (Microsemi)
Topics for ULP PHY Amendment Nov 2012 Topics for ULP PHY Amendment Nov 9, 2012 Rick Powell, Microsemi-Zarlink Rick Powell (Microsemi)
July 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12/0626r0 Nov 2012 Abstract This presentation provides a list of some of the PHY characteristics needing consideration for possible modification for ULP operation. In some cases, changes from 15.4g and 15.4k are referenced. Rick Powell (Microsemi) Rick Powell (Microsemi)
ULP PHY Characteristics Nov 2012 ULP PHY Characteristics Frequency Bands Channel Spacing Data Rates Symbol Rates Modulation For Example, Constant Envelope for ULP – FSK/GFSK/GMSK Receiver Sensitivity (Increased in 15.4g and 15.4k) Consider lower sensitivity for ULP Receiver Interference Rejection (Increased in 15.4g and 15.4k) Consider lower Interference Rejection for ULP Rick Powell (Microsemi)
ULP PHY Characteristics (cont.) Nov 2012 ULP PHY Characteristics (cont.) Preamble (Length and Pattern) Start-of-Frame Delimiter (SFD) (Length and Pattern) PHY Header Format and Contents PSDU Maximum Size (aMaxPHYPacketSize) FEC Type Interleaving / Spreading Whitening Turn-Around Time (aTurnaroundTime) (increased in 15.4g and 15.4k) InterFrame Separation (macSIFSPeriod, macLIFSPeriod) Channel Switch Time (added to 15.4g and 15.4k) Slide 5 Rick Powell (Microsemi)
Information in PHY Header Nov 2012 Information in PHY Header PSDU Length Number of bits in field determined by max length (aMaxPHYPacketSize) Maximum went from 127 to 2047 in 15.4g and 15.4k FCS and/or Parity on PHY Header Protects against false correlation Protects against error in length field Parity added to 15.4k PHY Header Parity added to 15.4g Mode Switch PHY Header FSC included in 15.6 PHY Header Slide 6 Rick Powell (Microsemi)
Information in PHY Header (cont.) Nov 2012 Information in PHY Header (cont.) Rate Change in PHY Header (no PSDU) for next PPDU Rate Change PPDU added to 15.4g Not supported in 15.4k No Addressing included Does not support asymmetric rates Once sent, eliminates slow PHY Header overhead Rate in PHY Header affecting current PSDU Dynamic rate switch at beginning of PSDU Supports asymmetric rates Rate change only affects current PPDU Simplified rate change coordination Added overhead of slowest rate PHY Header Included in 15.6 Slide 7 Rick Powell (Microsemi)
Information in PHY Header (cont.) Nov 2012 Information in PHY Header (cont.) Other possible PHY Header Info Whitening Seed (15.6) or Whitening On/Off (15.4g Rate Change PPDU) FEC On/Off (15.4g Rate Change PPDU) FCS Type (15.4g and 15.4k) PHY Header Type (15.4g) Burst Mode (15.6) Slide 8 Rick Powell (Microsemi)