Do Now: What is acceleration? Provide a real life example of an object in the process of acceleration.


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now: What is acceleration? Provide a real life example of an object in the process of acceleration.

Objective: Agenda: Be able to describe the motion of everyday objects. Quiz Acceleration and Free Fall Introduction Problems Agenda:

Electric Current Notes Acceleration Acceleration is the rate velocity changes.

Electric Current Notes Acceleration Acceleration = change in velocity in symbols, a = ∆v time t

Units of Acceleration Since acceleration is a velocity divided by a time, its units are a distance unit divided by 2 time units. This is commonly written 2 ways: m/s/s = m/s2 km/hr/s = km/hr.s

Constant Acceleration Electric Current Notes Constant Acceleration In many common situations, an object’s acceleration is constant, or at least approximately constant. In this case: Average acceleration = instantaneous acceleration

Electric Current Notes Free Fall Free fall is motion under the influence of gravity.

Acceleration in Free Fall Electric Current Notes Acceleration in Free Fall The acceleration of an object in free fall is constant. At the surface of Earth, the free-fall acceleration is about or 9.8 m/s2.

Electric Current Notes Air Resistance The effect of air resistance is to slow an object down and/or decrease its acceleration.