Qualities of a Servant of God
A true servant: Thinks about others Philippians 2:3-4 Again, consider Jesus – Phil. 2:5-8 1 Corinthians 10:24
A true servant: Is always available There when needed When are you available? To whom are you available? Rom. 12:20 (Prov. 25:21-22), 2 Timothy 2:4 The rich – ready to share – 1 Tim. 6:18, We are different - Matt. 5:46- 48
A true servant: Is attentive We are to be alert, sober Do we WANT to serve? Are we looking for opportunities? Jesus needed to go preach in other places Luke 4:43 Titus 3:8, John 4:33-35
A true servant: Never makes excuses Typically, we do what we want to do! IF we don’t want to do something, we make excuses! NO excuses! What excuse could the priest and Levite make? Luke 10:29-37 God does not appreciate excuses! Luke 9:57-62
A true servant: Is clothed in humility Pride can keep us from serving Romans 12:3, Don’t think too highly of yourself Proverbs 25:27 Matthew 10:24, Mark 10 43, Acts 20:19 Luke 17:10, we are still unprofitable!
A true servant: Is dependable 1 Corinthians 4:2, faithful stewards Consistent in one’s conduct Cf. Matthew 25:19-23 We will do our best – Colossians 3:23, Eccl. 9:10, 1 Corinthians 10:31
A true servant: Gladly serves Attitude (heart) of a servant Paul, 2 Corinthians 12:15 Philippians 2:17-18 Psalm 100:1-2 – We ARE serving the Lord! Cf. Matthew 25:31-46, 10:42
A true servant: Does his best with what he can 1 Peter 4:10-11, minister with the ability He supplies Cf. Mark 14:8, “She has done what she could” God never expects more that what we can do!
How can I serve? Pray for them – James 5:16, Matt. 5:44 Physically- if you have ability, help! Cf. James 2:14- 18 Be there when you are needed – be willing to listen
How can I serve? Encourage – Ephesians 4:29, 1 Thess. 5:14 Seek to teach them – can you think of a better way to serve? Consider Paul 1 Corinthians 9:22-23
How can I serve? Note: You can’t do everything! Cf. Matt. 26:11 But do what you can! At times, you can say, “No!” Priorities Since we are all servants, don’t overly burden your brethren – Gal. 5:13!
If you want to be viewed “great” in God’s eyes, be a servant! That is what the Lord’s body needs more AND that is what the world needs to see – Matthew 5:16
What does the world see in you?