Quick Set-Up Technique GO DONE READY External Internal 0 SEC 10 SEC 14 SEC GAS H2O
WHY ARE WE HERE? Learn Definition of Quick Set-Up Learn About Quick Set-up Techniques Learn What Waste is Related to Set-Up Identify Some Forms of Waste in Target Area That May Be Able to Be Eliminated Develop Plan to Reduce Set-up Time By 50-75% This Week. Implement Plan ASAP Assign Responsibility to Capture Benefits of Set- up Improvements; i.e. Reduce Lot Sizes
LEAN MANUFACTURING Concept of Reducing Cost by Identifying and Eliminating Waste Throughout the Manufacturing Process Time Lost Changing Over a Process Is a Form of Waste. Quick Set-up Techniques and the Related Tools Used During This Workshop Identify Wastes in a Set-up and Generate Solutions to Eliminate Those Wastes
Race The Journey to World Class CURRENT SET-UP TIME Gap WORLD CLASS The Quick Set-Up Tool Provides the Means to Move Closer to World Class and Close the Gap Gap WORLD CLASS (TEN MINUTES or LESS)
WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF “SLOW CHANGEOVERS”?? Inventory More than is needed Lead Time Longer than necessary Quality Not as good as it could be Cost Higher than Competitors Capacity Lower than it could be New Business May not be able to capture
.... Are We Competitive in our Set Up or Change Over Times??
What is the Effect of “Slow Changeovers” on this Business??
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Focuses on Capacity Improvements by Reducing “Set-up” or Changeover Time of a Process/Activity Two/Three Day Workshop Conducted at the Work Site Focusing on a Specific Set-up/Changeover Workshop Includes Some Training of Quick Set-up Concepts and Creativity to Rid Set-up of Waste
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Characteristics Focus is on Improving Equipment Up-Time (rather than labor efficiency) Utilizes People to Their Fullest Capacity (which requires Cooperation, Training & Understanding) Requires Constant Change (Continuous Improvement) Goal is to run every Part Number every day
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE GOAL: Decrease Set-up Time by 50% (Short Term Goal) Single Digit Set-up Times (Long Term Goal) Get Equipment Running Good Parts ASAP Changeover Equipment More Frequently Run Smaller Lot Sizes
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Benefits Reduced Lot Sizes Reduced Inventories Improved Quality Increased Capacity/Uptime Improved Responsiveness Reduced Floor space Required Operator Productivity Improved
Reflecting on Change IT’S NOT MAGIC !! We Want You to Discover that Reduced Set-Up Times are not only Possible, But Can be a Reality (this week)
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Definition: A Technique to Decrease Time Required to Set-Up or Changeover a Process or Activity. The Focus Is to Reduce Time From Last Good Piece to Next Good Piece.
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Understanding Waste Is Anything Other than the Minimum Time to Changeover from One Part Number to Another Part Number; including Wastes in the areas of: Equipment Idle Time Direct and Indirect Labor Set-Up Scrap Floor Space
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Definition of Waste Anything that doesn’t Add Value to the Set-Up Process Anything that doesn’t Help Create Conformance to Your Customer’s Specifications Anything that is now done while Machine is down that could be done while machine is running
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Definition of Lead Time: Total Time Required to Complete One Unit of a Product or Service (such as a Set-Up) May be Specified in Days, Hours or Minutes Lead Time Start of Set-Up End of Set-Up (Last Good Piece) (First Good Piece)
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Process Steps: 1. Measure Current Set-Up Times 2. Form Set-Up Reduction Team 3. Analyze Current Set-Up Method 4. Convert “Internal” Elements to “External” 5. Simplify Remaining “Internal” Elements 6. Simplify “External” Elements 7. Minimize “1st Piece” Qualification Time 8. Identify and Train Set-Up Crew 9. Apply Continuous Improvement 10. Capitalize on Set-Up Improvement
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 1: Measure Current Set-Up Times - Establish Baseline for Improvement - Done by People Actually Doing the Set-Up - Record Times - Chart Variation; i.e. Run Chart - Post at Process
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Add Up All the Time Set-Up/Operation Times Move/Transfer Times First Piece Inspection/Rework Times Tool Changes Die/Tool Rework Times Total = SET-UP LEAD TIME Start of Set-Up End of Set-Up (Last Good Piece) (First Good Piece)
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 2: Form Set-Up Reduction Team 1. Select Project - Longest Set-Up Time - High Probability of Success - Bottle Neck Operation - Large Current Run Size 2. Select 4-8 Team Members - Persons Doing Set-Up - Related Skilled Trades - Related Mfg/Tool Engineer - Area Supervisor - Outside Resources; i.e. Machine/Tool Supplier 3. Empower Team: Provide Resources and Support
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 3: Analyze Current Set-Up Method 1. Video Tape Current Set-Up (Gather Data) - Start @ Last Good Piece of Prior Part Number - Tape “What’s Happening” at the Process (Don’t Follow Set-Up Operators) - End Taping when First Good Piece of New Part Number is Accepted - Include All “Normal Delays” in Study - Record “Clock Time” on Tape
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 3: (Continued) 2. Team Reviews Tape - Chart Lead-time for Set-Up Operation - Identify and Time Each Step (using tape) - Identify Steps as Internal or External Elements
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 4: Convert Internal Elements to External - Identify Set-Up Tasks which could be Converted to External Tasks - Team Develops Methods to “Externalize” Internal Tasks
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Nomenclature Definitions: Internal Activities- Set-Up Activities that must be done while the Process is shut down. External Elements- Set-Up Activities that could be done while the Process is still running Previous Part.
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Add Up All the Time Set-Up/Operation Times (Internal Times) Move/Transfer Times (External Times) First Piece Inspection/Rework Times (Internal Times) Tool Changes (Internal Times) Die/Tool Rework Times (External Times) Total = SET-UP LEAD TIME Start of Set-Up End of Set-Up (Last Good Piece) (First Good Piece)
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 5: Simplify Remaining “Internal” Elements - Apply Team Set-Up Concept - Standardize Sizes (Dies, Tools, Fixtures, etc.) - Provide Locating Aids - Utilize “Quick Disconnects” where Feasible - Eliminate Base Machine Adjustments - Eliminate Nuts and Bolts as Fasteners - Create Set-Up Tooling Kit; Designate Location - Do Operations in Parallel wherever Possible - Apply “Motion Economy” - Mechanize Wherever Possible - Utilize Specific Purpose Tool Cart - Develop/Utilize Pre-Defined Process Adjustment Parameters
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 6: Simplify “External” Elements - Designate Specific Storage Points for all Items Necessary for Set-Up (Apply Workplace Organization/Visual Control Concepts) - Move Tool/Die Storage to “Points of Use” - Sharpen/Repair Tools/Dies During Non-Use Periods - Validate New/”Renewed” Tools/Dies during Non-Use Periods - Schedule “Support People” Ahead of Time - Apply Concepts of “Motion Economy” as Required
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 7: Minimize “1st Piece” Qualification Time - Empower Operator to Qualify @ Process (Dedicated Gages, etc. @ Operation) - Add Error Proofing Devices where Applicable - Empower Operator to Approve “1st Piece Quality” - Apply Concept of “Quality at the Source” - Quality Control does not have to Buy-in - Foreman does not have to Buy-in
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 8: Identify and Train Set-Up Crew 1. Form Set-Up Crew 2. Train and Practice “New” Method Including all Appropriate Safety Measures 3. Crew Writes and Posts Set-Up Instructions, including all Appropriate Safety Measures 4. Video New Method as a “Training Aid”
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 9: Apply Continuous Improvement - Chart All Set-Up Duration's (Run Chart) (Done by Set-Up Personnel) - Post Run Chart at Process - Apply Continuous Improvement to Each Processes’ Set-Up
QUICK SET-UP TECHNIQUE Step 10: Capitalize on Improved Set-Up Reduce Lot Sizes (Run Quantities) Reduce Inventories Changeover More Frequently