Skill Focus Organising Certificate I Access to Work & Training NSWTAFE New England Institute Room for Mon group Room for Tuesday group
Today’s Skills & Tools focus is on... Organising your files & folders (A quick review) Exploring our new Blog! (more resources) Organising your favourite websites using Diigo Joining our Diigo NEINursing Group (Share & collaborate) Say what is on the screen
Save your Files with vital details When saving your assessment task include Your first & last name Unit number Unit name Task number if more than 1 This will make it easier for the teachers to identify your work.
Organising your folders Sort your information into folders on your computer, memory stick or in the internet cloud. (make copies as back up) Root Folder Sub Folder
Folder labelling example Course Number & name Unit Number & name Assessment tasks Research notes Resources Unit Number & Name
Your Support blog – for tips & resources http://neinursingonline Navigating your way around your support blog Remember this is a fledgling site and will improve over time.
Navigating your way around your blog!
Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking is a way to save your favourite websites on the web... Access anywhere anytime... And you can share with others... Demonstrate via Desktop share or a video Challenge Watch the 3 minute video on this page Come back to the room and give a tick when done. Write any thoughts on what you saw in the chat box.
Join our NEInursing Diigo Group Go to Select Join this group You will need to join Diigo first So sign up (Note your user name & password) Explore
What did you think of today’s session? Type in the text chat &/Or Vote in the poll Pull up the Poll about session reflection Where do you sit?