How to help all to participate in the benefits of the IS and the KE Knowledge Economy Forum Prague
Governments want everyone to have the opportunity of participating in the information society and the knowledge society Do governments and politicians have the means to promote knowledge societies ?
To be successful we need ‘only’ It is so easy To be successful we need ‘only’ political will organizational framework better use of existing technology education focus on value marketing
1. Political will Political investment is the foundation of any knowledge society. It cannot subsist without political architecture to reform the administration to establish a legal environment strengthen leadership at the political level ICT and knowledge is a political issue – knowledge societies are a source of new risk human security human rights protection freedom of expression
2. Organizational framework strong and efficient coordinating bodies clear and easy rules support from public budgets interface networks ensuring linkages between key players security rules active governmental and public bodies
3. Better use of existing technology From knowledge divide to knowledge sharing – integration of existing solutions continuing important role of older technologies such as books, radio, TV old and new information technologies are complementary no need for higher IT investments
Learning is the key value of knowledge societies 4. Education Learning is the key value of knowledge societies diversity of learning availability of knowledge knowledge evaluation lifelong learning teachers training digital skills e-learning
5. Focus on value focus of innovation research policy adoption of intellectual property system good governance for science and technology focus on high demand services focus on high return services fair monitoring – knowledge society indicators
6. Invest in marketing the importance of building partnerships and alliances education versus selling people, process, product recognize that ‘knowledge’ is a social process reliability, accessibility, relevance and ‘ease of use’ are important ‘selling points’
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