DNA is a double helix shape, while RNA is a single strand. RNA (mRNA & tRNA) mRna carries the genetic information (information on the amino acid sequence) from the nucleus to the ribosome. tRNA translates the message brought by the mRNA. Working together, they produce proteins in the ribosome. DNA is a double helix shape, while RNA is a single strand. DNA stores the genetic information, while RNA carries it to the ribosome and uses it to make protein. DNA uses the base thymine, while RNA uses the base uracil
Gene A gene is a unit on a chromosome that determines a specific trait in an organism Chromosomes are made up of genes, which carry a segment or piece of DNA.
The process of transcribing a DNA gene into mRNA (messenger RNA.) Transcription The process of transcribing a DNA gene into mRNA (messenger RNA.) Why can’t DNA just make the protein? Small change…Uracil (U) instead of T
The ribosome reads the mRNA (it can’t read DNA) Translation The process of translating mRna into a sequence or chain of amino acids to make protein. The ribosome reads the mRNA (it can’t read DNA) There are 3 parts of Translation Initiation Elongation Termination
A part of the cell that acts as the factory to make proteins. Ribosome A part of the cell that acts as the factory to make proteins. The ribosome reads the instructions for how to make protein. These instructions are carried by the mRNA from the nucleus to the ribosome.
Codons are present in DNA and RNA A sequence of three nucleotides that codes amino acids into a protein molecule when protein is made. Codons are present in DNA and RNA There are 64 possible codes which can make 20 different amino acids.
The acids that link together in chains to form protein. Amino Acid The acids that link together in chains to form protein. The sequence of these chains is determined by the Codons Amino acids are molecules made mostly out of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen atoms.
Point mutations usually happen during DNA replication. A mutation that involves a single nucleotide. and may consist of loss of a nucleotide, substitution of one nucleotide for another, or the insertion of an additional nucleotide. Point mutations usually happen during DNA replication. A point mutation may consist of: The loss of a nucleotide The substitution of one nucleotide for another The insertion of an additional nucleotide.
Substitution Mutation A substitution is a mutation in which there is an exchange between two bases Could change a codon to one that encodes a different amino acid and cause a change in the protein produced (Missense) Could make the translation terminate too early (Nonsense) In some cases the DNA still produces the right protein (Silent) Normal THE BIG FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Missense THE BIZ FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Nonsense THE BIG RAT Deletion THB IGF ATC ATA TET HEW ETR AT Insertion THE BIG ZFA TCA TAT ETH EWE TRA
Insertion Mutation Insertions are mutations in which extra base pairs are inserted into a new place in the DNA. Insertion or Deletion Mutations are also known as Frame Shift Mutations. Normal THE BIG FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Missense THE BIZ FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Nonsense THE BIG RAT Deletion THB IGF ATC ATA TET HEW ETR AT Insertion THE BIG ZFA TCA TAT ETH EWE TRA
Deletions are mutations in which a section of DNA is lost, or deleted Deletion Mutation Deletions are mutations in which a section of DNA is lost, or deleted Insertion or Deletion Mutations are also known as Frame Shift Mutations. Normal THE BIG FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Missense THE BIZ FAT CAT ATE THE WET RAT Nonsense THE BIG RAT Deletion THB IGF ATC ATA TET HEW ETR AT Insertion THE BIG ZFA TCA TAT ETH EWE TRA