Q1-The most important effect of intravenous administration of a large dose of an amide local anesthetic is Bronchoconstriction Hepatic damage Nerve damage Renal failure seizures
Q2-Epinephrine added to a solution of lidocaine for a peripheral nerve block will Increase the risk of convulsions Increase the duration of anesthetic action of the local anesthetic Both A and B Neither A or B
Benzocaine Bupivacaine Cocaine Lidocaine procaine Q3- A child requires multiple minor surgical procedures in the nasopharynx.which drug has high surface local anesthetic activity and intrinsic vasoconstrictor actions that reduce bleeding in mucous membranes? Benzocaine Bupivacaine Cocaine Lidocaine procaine
Q4-Prilocaine is relatively contraindicated in patients with cardiovascular or pulmonary disease because the drug Act as antagonist at beta adrenoceptors in the heart and the lung Inhibits cyclooxygenases in cardiac and pulmonary cells Is a potent bronchoconstrictors Can cause decompensation through formation of o-toluidine All of the above
Q5-Which of the following drug causes a marked drop in blood pressure and an arrhythmia? Benzocaine Bupivacaine Cocaine Lidocaine procaine