MidSouth PTN Coaching Call: MIPS Questions March 14, 2017
Does my (pediatric, radiology, etc) practice have to participate in MIPS?
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
Do I have to choose 6 quality metrics?
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
How do I become a high performer?
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
From CMS “Train the Trainer Intro to the Quality Payment Program” slides made available through TCPI training webinar 10/20/2016.
Resources: Box link: https://vumc.box.com/v/midsouthqpp QPP Website: https://qpp.cms.gov