How To Produce a Video In Windows MovieMaker
Producing a video mainly involves connecting smaller pieces of video into one long video, with some parts of the smaller pieces either moved around or removed completely. In MovieMaker, the first step is importing the videos you want to work with into your collection folder. That means putting information about where the file is into that folder, not making a copy of the file. Below I imported two video files into MovieMaker.
Then insert your video segments into the storyboard at the bottom of the user interface in the order that you want them in. You may notice that the people who shot this video did it in “portrait mode” so the video is on its side.
You can change that by using what are called the video effects, using the rotate effect. Your video will still look like it is on its side in the storyboard, but will show up in your video player the ride side up.
You might want to insert a transition between your two video segments, by dragging one of the transition effects into the block between your two video segments. Here I inserted a simple fade between the two segments.
Most of video production revolves around removing and rearranging video segments. To do this, you have to switch from the storyboard of your video, to the timeline of the video. The timeline allows you to set a point where you can either trim the beginning or end of a segment, or split a segment in two. Below is an example of splitting a segment into two with the timeline.
When you switch back to the storyboard, you will have three segments instead of two.
You can delete a segment you do not want You can delete a segment you do not want. Here I deleted the beginning segment before the interview started. You might want to delete a part where nothing seems to be happening. The go ahead and publish your movie. Even though you can play your video inside MovieMaker, you still have not created an actual video until you publish it.
That is the basic process for producing a video in Windows MovieMaker That is the basic process for producing a video in Windows MovieMaker. Each version of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) comes with a different version MovieMaker. The version used in this presentation was the MovieMaker that comes with Windows Vista. It works almost exactly the same as the MovieMaker that comes with Windows XP with some minor differences in the appearance. The MovieMaker that comes with Windows 7 and 8 is quite different—for instance it does not have a timeline tool.