Synthesis of (+)-Saxitoxin Fleming, J. J. ; Du Bois, J. Am. Chem. Soc Songnan Zhang 04/02/2013 2019/5/11
Justin Du Bois B.S. 1992, University of California at Berkeley Ph.D. 1997, California Institute of Technology NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 1997-1999 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award, 2008 John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn University Fellows in Undergraduate Education, 2011 2019/5/11
Publish: 1) “Modular Synthesis of the Pentacylic Core of Batrachotoxin and Select Batrachotoxin Analogue Designs,” A.S. Devlin, J. Du Bois, Chem. Sci., 4, 1059-1063 (2013) 2) “A Designed Inhibitor of a CLC Antiporter Blocks Function Through a Unique Binding Mode,” A.E. Howery, S. Elvington, S.J. Abraham, K.-H. Choi, S. Philips, C.M. Ryan, R.L. Sanford, S. Simpson-Dworschak, J. Almqvist, K. Tran, T.A. Chew, U. Zachariae, O.S. Andersen, J. Whitelegge, K. Matulef, J. Du Bois, M. Maduke, Chem. Biol., 19, 1460-1470 (2013) 3) “Capturing Fleeting Intermediates in a Catalytic C–H Amination Reaction Cycle,” R.H. Perry, T.J. Cahill III, J.L. Roizen, J. Du Bois, R. Zare, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 18295-18299 (2012) 4) “Marked Difference in Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin Affinities for the Human Nociceptive Voltage-gated Sodium Channel (NaV1.7),” J.R. Walker, P. Novick, W.A. Parsons, M. McGregor, J. Zablocki, V.S. Pande, J. Du Bois, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 109, 18102-18107 (2012) 5) “Fluorescent Saxitoxins for Live Cell Imaging of Voltage-gated Sodium Ion Channels Beyond the Optical Diffractin Limit,” A.E. Ondrus, H.-l.D. Lee, S. Iwanaga, W.H. Parsons, B.M. Andresen, W.E. Moerner, J. Du Bois, Chem. Biol., 19, 902-912 (2012) 6) “Metal-Catalyzed Nitrogen-Atom Transfer Methods for the Oxidation of Aliphatic C–H Bonds,” M.E. Harvey, J.L. Roizen, Acc. Chem. Res., 45, 911-922 (2012) 7) “Catalytic C–H Oxidation by a Triazamacrocyclic Ruthenium Complex,” E. McNeill, J. Du Bois, Chem. Sci., 3, 1810-1813 (2012) 8) “A Diruthenium Catalyst for Selective, Intramolecular Allylic C–H Amination: Reaction Development and Mechanistic Insight Gained Through Experiment and Theory,” M.E. Harvey, D.G. Musaev, J. Du Bois, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 17207-17216 (2011) 2019/5/11
Retrosynthesis 2019/5/11
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